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Influence of anisotropy on the mechanical behaviour of bioprosthetic heart valves


Chemically modified pericardium is commonly used in the fabrication of bioprosthetic heart valves. This material exhibits non-linear elastic behaviour and, as for most other biological soft tissues, it is orthotropic in its extensibility. The influence of the natural orthotropy of pericardium on the mechanical behaviour of pericardial heart valves during the whole cardiac cycle has been studied, using the finite element method. A model of the leaflet of a bicuspid valve has been created, defining the material of the tissue as orthotropic non-linear elastic. Two preferential orthogonal orientations of the tissue have been analysed (axial and circumferential). The results show that even a small amount of orthotropy (an orthotropy index of 1.5 has been used) can significantly affect the mechanical behaviour of the valve, and that an appropriate orientation of the fibres can contribute to optimizing the stress distribution in the leaflets.