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Fluid-structure interaction study of the edge-to-edge repair technique on the mitral valve


The effect of functional mitral regurgitation has been investigated in an anatomically sized, fluid-structure interaction mitral valve model, where simulated correction has been performed by applying: (1) edge-to-edge repair with annuloplasty and (2) edge-to-edge repair only. Initially defined in an open unstressed/corrected configuration, fluid-structure interaction simulations of diastole have been performed in a rigid ventricular volume. Comparison of the maximum principal stresses (during diastole) in the normal and repaired models has shown that the magnitude of stress in the repaired scenarios is ~200% greater. The combined edge-to-edge and annuloplasty procedure was found to spread the induced stresses across the free margin of the leaflets, whereas without annuloplasty a localised stress concentration in the region of the suture was observed. Fluid flow downstream of the corrected configurations was able to achieve the same magnitude as in the normal case, although the flow rate was impaired. The maximum flow rate was found to be reduced by 44-50% with the peak flow rate shifted from the end of the diastole in the normal case to the start in the repaired cases. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.