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Una stima dell’occupazione straniera per regione

  • Autori: Bono, F.; Foderà, R
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2010
  • Tipologia: eedings
  • Parole Chiave: stranieri, stime degli occupati, piccole aree
  • OA Link:


Foreigners are a very important resource for Italy not only for the evolution of the Italian society (through for example the contribution they provide to the natural balance, with a fertility rate about twice that of Italian) but also for their important role in our labor market (see Istat, 2009). But when we want to measure the dimension of phenomenon and, through it, to determine significance levels of foreign presence in the territory, there is enormous difficulties in the collection of information. In this job to solve this problem we consider small area estimation methods. We use the continuous labor force survey conducted by ISTAT for the year 2008. Then to choose the best model we consider a simulation through the Monte Carlo method. Results obtained are very interesting.