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Alcune considerazioni sulla struttura e i duelli del «Waltharius»


The purpose of this essay, after a brief introductory section dedicated to the structure of the «Waltharius», is to analyze the final episode of the poem, in which we can carry out the various individual duels that place the protagonist of the Middle Latin poem, Walther, in single combat with eleven heroes sent against him by king Gunther. In the course of the examination, we try to highlight how the author, in the representation of these duels, was able to reconcile the two elements that, in essence, are the foundation of the whole work, that is the classical epic tradition (in particular Virgilian), on the one hand, and the influences of Germanic traditions, on the other. The examination of the text is constantly punctuated with references to the «Nibelungenlied», the ‘chansons de geste’, the poems of the «Edda», and the ancient Norse sagas.