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Storia e diritto. Il contrasto alla mafia sicilianadal secondo Ottocento a oggi


History and law. The fight against the Sicilian mafia from the second half of the nineteenth century to today.The multidisciplinary study highlights variables and constants in the fight against the mafia since the second half of the nineteenth century to date. From the liberal era to the republican era there were cyclical phases around the "mafia paradigm", defined, denied, redefined and influenced by political power, from public debate, from legislative and judicial responses, from the dissertations of specialists. Starting from the little explored relationship between evolution of the substantive and procedural models, the connections are traced between charging techniques, criminal cases, evidentiary data procedural bulls and epilogues. Even through unpublished works archival sources, the traits and evolutions are clarified of the associative structure, of its recognition in the courtrooms, showing the role of the police, the instrument ment of confinement, the relationship between investigations and judgement, the use use of ante litteram patrimonial ablations, the weight of denunciations and the protagonism of technical defenses.