Qui chi non terrorizza si ammala di terrore
- Autori: Blando, A
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2020
- Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/584830
Between the winter and spring of 2020, a war was fought around us against an invisible and silent enemy. Arrived in a breath from a distant country, thanks to a world without distances and time, a virus dramatically changed the life and destiny of millions of women and men in many nations of the world, including ours. Terror took possession, like a disease, of the body and of the words; the fear of a contagion that seemed to leave no way out upset private and public habits and rituals; it seemed that nothing was the same as before. Pain and death had once again become a daily experience, while for years they had remained strangers, just a show that took place far away from us.