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DgCox: a differential geometric approach for high-dimensional Cox proportional hazard models

  • Authors: Wit, E; Augugliaro, L; Abegaz, F; Gonzalez, J
  • Publication year: 2014
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


Many clinical and epidemiological studies rely on survival modelling to detect clinically relevant factors that affect various event histories. With the introduction of high-throughput technologies in the clinical and even large-scale epidemiological studies, the need for inference tools that are able to deal with fat data-structures, i.e., relatively small number of observations compared to the number of features, is becoming more prominent. This paper will introduce a principled sparse inference methodology for proportional hazards modelling, based on differential geometrical analyses of the high-dimensional likelihood surface.