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A Fog Computing Monitoring System For Fused Visible And Infrared Imagery with an application to building preservation

  • Authors: Aiello, Giuseppe; Quaranta, Salvatore; Bruno, Maria Giuseppina; Marcon, Giulia; Abusohyon, Islam Asem Salah; Venticinque, Mario
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


With the spread of modern IoT architectures for industry 4.0, cloud and edge computing technologies have become the main enablers of new a concept of interoperability based on the seamless integration of the frontend sensors, with the backend network and processing systems. While precise architectural references and standardized approaches are still under development, in this paper the concept of edge/fog computing is applied referring to modern fused visible-thermal imaging systems\ currently available on several commercial cameras. In such context, the research proposed aims at developing a monitoring system based on fog technology for gathering and analyzing fused RGB-Thermal Images, and implementing a specific algorithms for extracting relevant information for centralized decision making systems. Based on the architecture proposed a case study is presented referred to the preservation of buildings and civil infrastructures