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Mutli-Objectve performance assessment of vehicles for logistic operations: methodology and case study

  • Authors: Quaranta, Salvatore; Aiello, Giuseppe; Inguanta, Rosalinda; Bonafede, Francesco; Salah Abusohyon, Islam Asem; Venticinque, Mario
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


In the last decade, with the increasing concerns about environmental pollution, the European Community has been implementing strategies aimed at reducing the emissions related to the movement of fleets of traditional internal combustion vehicles with the ultimate goal of replacing fossil fueled vehicles with more sustainable energy sources based on electric or hydrogen propulsion. Considering the huge investments involved and the strategic nature of such a decision, managers are currently facing a complex decision-making problem that could have a drastic impact on the performance of their business in the near future. In such context, the aim of the research is to analyze the various types of propulsion at an environmental and economic level, with the aim of helping managers in their strategic choice to allow decarbonisation in logistic operations