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Metodi per la ricostruzione virtuale e la visualizzazione di opere d'architettura perdute


Digital technologies for architecture representation have strongly modified uses and rules inherited from a millennial tradition. In the initial development period CAD tools worked as electronic drafting machines and digital drawings were almost similar to hand-made drawings; plans, fronts, sections and the like. In this period perspective and axonometric drawings were rarely executed because architects realized that these drawings had to be substituted by 3D digital models views, but modeling tools were not so familiar to professionals, both for software and hardware limitations. The evolution of architecture digital representation is still in progress, but it is possible to outline a precise direction that moves towards the death of drawing; the task of visualization of buildings and architecture design will be accomplished by 3D digital models. Digital representations of complex architecture scenarios have been successfully performed for entertainment purposes by the film industry; the settings of outstanding movies as Gladiator and Troy are the result of sophisticated 3D reconstructions. Virtual reconstructions have been widely used to enrich the experience of visit of archaeological sites in the past two decades.