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Famiglia migrante e scuola: la corresponsabilità come meta educativa


This contribution reflects on possible forms of inclusion of families with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds in a landing company, which resulted from a seminar entitled "Inclusion between myth and reality". The call to inclusion is an action that encourages active participation and community between individuals with different cultural and value profiles and is relevant for those of us who work in education. In this reflection, inclusion is described as an interaction between myth and reality, where the relationship between multiple interconnected systems can be attributed to the aspects linked to myth, while the relationship between two or more systems that exist and influence each other must be placed in a well-defined historical and cultural reality. This relationship between systems should be placed within an educational context where each person can live well and design their own better life. Myth has to do with imagination, while reality has to do with the concreteness and diversity of possibilities that life offers.