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The magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr

  • Authors: Gregory, S G; Holzwarth, V R; Donati, J-F; Hussain, G A J; Montmerle T; Alecian, E; Alencar, S H P; Argiroffi, C; Audard, M; Bouvier, J; Damiani, F; Güdel, M; Huenemoerder, D P; Kastner, J H; Maggio, A; Sacco, G G; Wade, G A
  • Publication year: 2014
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


V4046 Sagittarii AB is a close short-period classical T Tauri binary. It is a circularised and synchronised system accreting from a circumbinary disk. In 2009 it was observed as part of a coordinated program involving near-simultaneous spectropolarimetric observations with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawai'i Telescope and high-resolution X-ray observations with XMM-Newton. Magnetic maps of each star were derived from Zeeman-Doppler imaging. After briefly highlighting the most significant observational findings, we present a preliminary 3D model of the binary magnetosphere constructed from the magnetic maps using a newly developed binary magnetic field extrapolation code. The large-scale fields (the dipole components) of both stars are highly tilted with respect to their rotation axes, and their magnetic fields are linked.