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Carte, normativa e istruzioni operative nella conservazione dell’architettura moderna. Alcuni esempi della Regione Sicilia


The contribution studies the problem of safeguarding modern artworks and architecture from the point of view of current legislation. The goal is to identify a path of active protection, in order to guarantee the permanence of this heritage. Through the analysis of the restoration papers from 1975 to 2000, a clear theoretical position is highlighted in favor of the protection of contemporary architecture. There are many operating instructions present and international proclamations but little has changed from a regulatory point of view. The creation of a system for the protection of contemporary architecture dates back to 1998 with the establishment of the General Directorate for Architecture and Contemporary Arts, DARC, at the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities which began to catalog the works starting from 1945. If the registration in the protection registers represents the first step to be taken in the path of the protection of the works that are the expression of modernity, the possibility of obtaining public funding constitutes an essential moment of the conservation intervention. Legislative progress does not go hand in hand and stops at the age of the work and the death of the author to have an active link with the work. In practice, copyright law or the so-called relational interest is used to overcome the existing legislative limits. The example of the Sicily Region is significant, as it legislated for the protection of the works of Gibellina and the Fiumara d'Arte Park