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Dynamic autostatic implant for inguinal hernia repair. Early results in an explorative cohort of patients

  • Autori: Amato, G; Salamone, G; Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Saladino, VA; Morfino, G; Gulotta, G
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2010
  • Tipologia: Proceedings
  • OA Link:


Acknowledging the need to further improve outcomes and reduce complications in inguinal hernia repair, our group has been developing new surgical implants for this condition. Our primary considerations are to reduce complications associated with invasive fixation, and improve the quality of the tissue ingrowth within the implant. We have developed a new type of 3D dynamic, self retaining implant to achieve these effects. This newly designed implant was previously experimentally tested in porcine model, showing excellent outcomes. Above all, the results concerning the quality of tissue ingrowth and the nearby absence of shrinkage in the long term were excellent. In this report we describe the preliminary results of implantation of this new implant in patients with inguinal hernia.