Bioetica e medicina legale in Aa.Vv., Medicina legale orientata per problemi, Edra, Milano 2018
- Authors: Luciano Sesta, Antonina Argo, Michele Zagra
- Publication year: 2018
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio
- OA Link:
The chapter deals with characteristic profile of Bioethics as a frontier discipline between philosophy, medicine, law and anthropology, also through the reconstruction of its origin and historical evolution, reflects on the ethical and legal aspects relating to practices such as abortion and assisted fertilization, conscientious objection, maintenance or suspension of vital treatments in terminal patients and in a vegetative state, palliative care, euthanasia and living wills, organ donation, removal and transplantation, and analyzes the medico-legal and ethical aspects of determining death in light of cerebral criteria