Diritto alla privacy e accesso agli atti del fascicolo telematico processuale da parte di terzi-giornalisti: “quo vadis” Italia?
- Authors: Alessandra Amore
- Publication year: 2023
- Type: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/592174
In this work, we want to try to examine what might be – today – the consequences of a contrast between the national legislation, artt. 51 and 52 of 30 June 2003, n. 196 (so-called Privacy Code) and art. 17 of the d.P.C.M. of 16 February 2016, n. 40, and the European legislation, art. 55 of the Privacy Regulation of 25 May 2016, n. 679, regarding the relationship between the protection of personal data, the right of access to the deeds of the electronic file of the administrative process by third parties (here of interest to journalists) and the right to information.