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Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in “Agronomia Ambientale”

Carmelo Santonoceto


santonocetoGraduated cum laude in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Catania.

Researcher at the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria from 1986,.

Actually, he is associate professor of Agronomy at the same University and carries out his scientific activity at the Department of “Biotecnologie per il Monitoraggio Agroalimentare ed Ambientale” (BIOMAA).

He has been involved, as responsible or collaborator, in research programmes supported by MIUR, CNR an E.U. In particular, he was the coordinator of the multidisciplinary project “PRIT” (Research Programme of Relevant Territorial Interest): “Alternative farming system management techniques: use of brassica species as break crops”.

The lines of research which, for continuity and commitment, represent the major part of his scientific work, concern:

-       Ecophysiological and agronomic aspects of field crops with the aim of diversify the typical cropping systems of southern Italy. Particular attention has been focussed on a number of industrial crops, mainly oilseed crops, able to provide raw materials for use in food and non-food industrial sectors. On the same subjects of research, he maintains a working relationship with dr. Peter J. Hocking of the Division Plant Industry CSIRO (Canberra – Australia) and with dr. Juan Carlos Gutierréz Mas of the Dapartamento de Algodon, where he carried out research work in the past.

-       Ecophysiological and agronomic aspects of field crops traditionally cultivated in Mediterranean environment. In particular, grain legumes, for the traditional agronomic role carried out by these crops in southern Italian farming systems and for the interest that the same crops have as sources of low-energy cost vegetable proteins.

-       Effects of untreated olive oil mill and citrus wastewater spreading on growth and yield of different field crops in rotation and impact on soil fertility. This multi-year research, although not yet decisive, make available results applicable to the operative conditions of Mediterranean semiarid prone environments where olive growing and the connected processing activity often coexists with cereal-forage cropping models in an integrated agro-industrial system.



1.      Sidari M., Muscolo A., Anastasi U., Preiti G., Santonoceto C., 2007. Response of four genotypes of lentil to salt stress conditions. Seed Science and Technology, 35: 497-503.


2.      Sidari M., Santonoceto C., Anastasi U., Preiti G., Muscolo A. 2008. Variations in Four Genotypes of Lentil under NaCl-Salinity Stress. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 3(1): 410-416,


3.      Anastasi U., Preiti G., Pellicanò A., Santonoceto C., 2009. Water use and water use efficiency growth and yield of two different lentil genotipes in mediterranean environment. Italian Journal of Agronomy, vol. 4: 545-551.


4.      Santonoceto C., Anastasi U. 2010. Agronomic exploitation of olive oil mill wastewater: effect on growth and yield of field crops and impact on soil fertility. Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, vol. 4 (special issue 1): 91-103.


5.      Anastasi U., Santonoceto C., Giuffrè A. M., Sortino O., Gresta F., Abbate V., 2010. Yield performance and grain lipid composition of standard and oleic sunflower as affected by water supply. Field Crops Research, vol, 119: 145-153.


6.      Muscolo A., Sidari M., Panuccio M. R., Santonoceto C., Orsini F., De Pascale S., 2011. Plant responses in saline and arid environments: an overview. The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology. 5 (Special Issue 2): 1-11.


7.      Gresta F., Sortino O., Santonoceto C, Issi L., Formantici C., Galante Y. M. (In press) Effects of sowing times on seed yield, protein and galactomannans content of four varieties of guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) in a Mediterranean environment. Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 46– 52.