Ignazio Poma
Name: Ignazio . Surname: Poma . Birthdate: 14/08/1949, Buseto Palizzolo (TP), Italy. Nationality: Italian.
Degree in Agricultural Science at the University of Palermo (Italy) . 16/07/1974.
Scholarship awarded by Sicilian Region, from October 1974 to October1975;
Assistant Professor at University of Palermo from November 1975 to May 1973
Scholaship awarded by Ministry for Education (M.P.I)., from June 1976 to July 1980;
Research Assistant, University of Palermo, from August 1980 to October 1992;
Associated Professor, University of Palermo, from November 1992 to October 2000;
Full Professor at University of Palermo from November 2000 to present.
Teaching activity:
Agronomy and herbaceous crops management courses committed by “I.N.F.A.O.P” (National Institute for education, training and vocational guidance) for foreign students;
1987: herbaceous crop management course at Faculty of Agriculture of Somali National University financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
scientific seminars at I and II course of “Training and specialization in technical assistance and agricultural extension”;
Academic year 1990-1991 and 1996-1997: Agronomy and herbaceous crops management;
Academic year 1990-1991,1991-1992 and 1995-1996: Forage crops management;
Academic year 1992-1993 and 1993-1994: Industrial crops;
Academic year 1994-1995: Plant breeding;
Academic year 1998-1999: Crops nutrition;
Academic year 1997-1998 and 1998-1999: Forage crops management;
From academic year 1999-2000 to present : Agronomy and herbaceous crops management;
Academic year 2000-2001: Crops nutrition;
Academic year 2002-2003: Agronomy and crops nutrition techniques;
From academic year 2003-2004 to present: Conservation of biodiversity;
Scientific seminars at Universidad Nacional de San Agustin Arequipa Peru from 2001 to 2011.
The scientific activity, Prof. Poma, covered: researches in the field of dry forage; the dryland farming; the genetic improvement and agrotecnico protein crops (chickpeas, fava, chickling vetch, lentil and pea), cereals (durum, wheat, oats, barley, triticale, sorghum grain), species and oil and fibre plants (soya, sunflower, flax, castor-oil plant, Kenaf and cotton), horticultural crops from full field (Artichoke and tomato industry), alternative crops to agro-industrial use and seed production of cereals and leguminous species of grain; study of agricultural technique of fertilization and soil management in hot-arid environment.
Participated and participates in international research with researchers of ENEA (Italian National Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development) and Experimental Institute for Cereals, industrial crops M.I.R.A.A.F, CNR and of the main Faculty of Agriculture of Perù, the International Centre of the Potato - C.I.P. (Lima, Perù); the ICARDA.
It is or has been responsible for some scientific research projects: MURST, PRIN (ex 40%-Agriculture in the protected areas), 60% of the C.N.R., M.I.R.A.A.F. (oil project, alternative crops-PRisCA) and an operating unit of POP (Multi-fund Operational Project); He was proposer and scientific coordinator of scientific cooperation projects between universities in teaching the University of Palermo and Arequipa (Perù) on biodiversity, on organic farming and the organic matter and soil CO2 emission of Mediterranean and South of Perù. Participated in the second and third course of high school for the study of Mediterranean Agronomic problems "(Centre of scientific Culture Ettore Majorana"). At the Somali National University, conducted studies on the growing of plants grown in Somalia, as well as on Cassava and vegetable species.
It is a member of the Italian and European society for Agronomy, European Association for Grain Legume Research, European Society for Soil Conservation, the Italian Association of succulent plants, international Cactus & C.. It is part of the coordination group of collaborations with the universities of Latin American countries; is included in the guidance of professors and experts latinoamericanisti scientific-technical area of the IILA. Since 2000 is part of the provincial Council Scientific reserves and Natural Heritage of the province of Palermo; is component, representing the University of Palermo, of the associates Committee of the research Consortium “Gian Pietro Ballatore” for research on specific areas of cereals.
The August 3, 2004 was appointed "Professor Honorario" of the “Universidad Nacional San Agustín de Arequipa”, Perù.
He has participated in numerous national and international conferences.
He is the author of scientific works, published 330 on (both national magazines abroad.) national.
1) Poma I., Venezia G., Saladino S., Gristina G. Ferrotti., Mirabile C. (2004) Durum wheat growth analysis in a semiarid environment in relation to crop rotation and nitrogen rate. OPTIONS Méditerranéennes, Serie A. Numero 60: 209-212.
2) Poma I., Gristina L., Saladino S., Venezia G., Dazzi C. (2007).Effects of cropping systems fertility on durum wheat nitrogen uptake, yield and qualitative characteristics In: Bosch A., Teira M.R., Villar J.M. Towards a better efficence in N use. (vol. I, pp. 500-502 ISBN: 978-84-9743-247-4. LLEIDA: Et Editorial Milenio (Spain).
3) Randazzo B., Poma I., Gristina L., Di Prima G. (2009). Valutazione produttiva e qualitative di Timilie - Produttive and qualitative evaluation of timilie. Italian Journal of Agronomy-Rivista di Agronomia. Vol. 4, No. 4 Suppl.: 455 - 459.
4) Barbera V., Poma I., Gristina L., Novara A. and Egli M. (2010). Long-term Cropping Systems and Tillage Management Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Stock and Steady State Level of C Sequestration Rates in a Semiarid Environment. Land Degradation & Development. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1055.(ISI)
5) Salazar Castillo J., Caceres de Baldarrago F., Poma I, Raimondo F. (2010). Diagnostico del estado actual de consevación de Puya raimondii en Arequipa – Perù. Quaderni di Botanica Ambientale Applicata 21 (2010): 83-91.
6) Poma, I., Venezia, G., Sarno , M. and Panzica, G. 2012. Effects of cropping systems and irrigation on the bio-agronomic and quality response of industrial tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Acta Hort. (ISHS) 936:145-154.
http://www.actahort.org/books/936/936 17.htm
7) Venezia, G., Sarno , M. and Poma, I. (2012). Productive, commercial and qualitative characterization of sicilian landrace tomato. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 936: 393-400. http://www.actahort.org/books/936/936_52.htm.