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Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in “Agronomia Ambientale”

Neculai Munteanu


Neculai MunteanuPersonal information
Name and surname Munteanu Neculai
Address Iaşi – România Frumoasa street 2, bl. 918, tr.1, et 1, ap.1
Phone 0040232407478 Mobile: 0742961360
Date of birth 23.02.1952
Sex male

Occupational field
Education, training, research, higher education

Professional Experience
Period: 1990 - present
Function or position held: Phd, lecturer, reader, Professor, PhD supervisor, vice-Dean, vice-Rector, research activity on vegetable growing, seed production, ecological agriculture.
Activities and main responsibilities: Course on Horticulture,: Vegetable growing, Plant breeding, Seed production, Ecological horticulture
Name and address of employer: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi - Faculty of Horticulture
Type/Sector of activity: Teaching and research
Period: 1976 - 1990
Function or position held: Horticultural engineer, farm manager, scientific researcher
Activities and main responsibilities: Head of Research Departament in Vegetable Research Station Bacau
Name and address of employer: Vegetable Research Station Bacau Romania
Type/Sector of activity: Vegetable growing

Personal skills and competences

Mother language: Romanian language
Foreign language: English, Russian
Autoevaluation Understanding Speech Writing
European level (*) Listening  Read  Spoken        Listening  Read
English language  good         good   good            good          good
Russian language good        good   quite good  good          good
Social skills and competences: Communicative person with team spirit, good adaptation to different professional backgrounds, good communication skills.
Organizational skills and competences: Good management capacity and leadership, organizational spirit, managerial skills acquired during activities and management in a reseasch and higher education institution
Technical skills and competences: Work and management of teaching and research activities.
Skills and computer use: Use Microsoft Windows operating system and office type programs (Microsoft Word, Excel Wicrosoft, Microsoft PowerPoint), Internet browsing and use Microsoft Windows
Other skills and competences:
- Organic Horticulture and Biodiversity
- Vegetable-production consultant for horticultural production companies
- Plant and environment protection, Ecological sustainability
Driver license: Category B

Additional information

Over 170 scientific papers, and books and manuals in the fields of vegetable, breeding and agriculture, environment protection, soil and plant pollution, etc.; main crops of interest: garden beans, pepper and cabbage
- Books and manuals: Vegetable growing (manual), Genetics and plant breeding (manual), Usefull plants for your garden, Basics in Ecological Horticulture, Studies on Cole Crops, etc.
- Last domains of interest: heavy metals, pesticides and nitrate pollution vegetable crops.
- Member of professional organizations: International Society of Horticultural Sciences; European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research – ESNA ; Romanian Society of Horticulture

Research grants as a member of teams
- Inco-Copernicus Project
- PRODLECO project in Romanian Excellence Research Program
- SIECOLEG proiect in Romanian National Research Program
- other reasearch projects

List of five most significant scientific paper
1. Munteanu N., Stoleru V. (2012) – Bazele tehnologice ale horticulturii ecologice/ Fundamental of ecological horticulture. Editura Performantica. ISBN 978-973-730-921-1 (2012)
2. Munteanu N., Popa Diana-Lorena, Stoleru V.(2007) – On the agrobiological value of some local population of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.). Lucrări ştiinţifice, Seria Horticultură, vol. 50, ISSN 1454-7376, pag. 495-500.
3. Munteanu N., Stoleru V., Filipov F., Teliban G. C., Popa Lorena-Diana (2008)- Assesement of the pedoclimatic potential for ecological vegetable growing in Iassy county, Lucrări ştiinţifice, Seria Horticultură, vol. 51. Editura “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iaşi, ISSN – 1454-7376.
4. Munteanu N., Bulgariu D., Stoleru V., Bulgariu Laura, Buzgar N. (2010) – The distribution and mobility of chrome in soils cultivated with vegetables traditional crop. Lucr[ri ;tiin’ifice USAMV Iaşi, Seria Horticultură, Vol. 53 (2), ISSN 1454-7376, pag. 213-218.
5. Munteanu N., Hura Carmen, Pădurariu Anca-Eugenia, Podaru Doina-Maria (2010) – Evalution of the pollution degree by nitrates and nitrities in some organic vegetable crops from Iasi county. Lucrări ştiinţifice USAMV Iaşi, seria Agricultura, vol. 53 (1), ISSN 1454-7414, pag. 189-194.