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Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in “Agronomia Ambientale”

Tamas Komives


komivesPersonal information

First name(s) / Surname(s)  Tamas / Komives
Address(es) 15, Herman Otto, 1022, Budapest, Hungary

Telephone(s) +3614877506 Mobile: +36203968448

Fax(es) +3614877506


Nationality Hungarian

Date of birth November 12, 1944

Gender Male


Desired employment / Occupational field Research professor


Work experience
Dates September 1, 1969 – January 31, 1981
Occupation or position held Research chemist
Main activities and responsibilities Radiochemistry: synthesis of labelled chemicals
Name and address of employer Central Research Institute for Chemistry
Type of business or sector Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dates February 1, 1981 – February 28, 1983
Occupation or position held Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Main activities and responsibilities Pesticide chemistry and toxicology Name and address of employer Department of Natural Resources Type of business or sector University of California, Berkeley, USA

Dates March 1, 1983 – September 30, 1988 Occupation or position held Deputy Head of Department of Plant Protection Chemistry Main activities and responsibilities Herbicides: discovery and mode of action Name and address of employer Central Research Institute for Chemistry Type of business or sector Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dates October 1, 1988 – present Occupation or position held Head of Department of Plant Protection Chemistry (1988-1993); Director (1994-2008); Research Professor (2009-) Main activities and responsibilities Coordinating research Name and address of employer Plant Protection Institute Type of business or sector Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Education and training


Dates September 1, 1964 – June 30, 1969 Title of qualification awarded Chemical Engineer Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Industrial chemistry, radiochemistry Name and type of organisation providing education and training Veszprem University, Hungary Level in national or international classification Dipl. Eng. Chem.


Dates September 1, 1976 – June 30, 1979 Title of qualification awarded Dr. Univ., Cand. Chem. Sci. Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Radiochemistry, synthetic organic chemistry Name and type of organisation providing education and training Hungarian Academy of Sciences Level in national or international classification PhD

Dates September 1, 1992 – June 30, 1995 Title of qualification awarded Doctor of Science Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Plant protection chemistry Name and type of organisation providing education and training Hungarian Academy of Sciences Level in national or international classification DSc  


Personal skills and competences


Mother tongue(s) Hungarian


Other language(s)

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

German B1 Independent user B1 Independent user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user

 (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Social skills and competencesTeam work: throughout my professional career I have always been working in teams. Mediating skills: in addition to research I am also involved in teaching and training at university level. Intercultural skills: I have been involved in several international projects and collaborations.


Organisational skills and competencesI was the director of an academic research institute for 14 years. During the last decade I have organized four international conferences.


Technical skills and competencesCompetent with use and application of pesticides and other toxic chemicals.


Computer skills and competencesCompetent with most Microsoft Office programmes, statistical analysis, and HTML.


Driving licenceDriving licence, category C



Additional information

Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2004-)

President of the International Ragweed Society (2009-)

President of the Hungarian Plant Protection Society (2007-)



Latest 5 pubblications

1. Komives T, Haltrich A, Molnár J (ed.)
Plant Protection 2011
Conference location, date: Budapest, Hungary, 21/02/2011-22/02/2011.
Budapest: RePRINT Kft., 2011. 82 p. (ISBN: 963 8131 071)

2. Komives T, Bittsánszky A, Gullner G, Gyulai G
Novelties in phytoremediation: heavy metal uptake dynamics of zucchini (Cucurbita. pepo giromontiina)
In: Sasa Orlovic (ed.) „STREPOW” International Workshop, Conference location, date: Novi Sad, Serbia, 23/02/2011-24/02/2011. Novi Sad: 2011. pp. 63-66. (ISBN: 978-86-912323-4-4). Chapter in Book / Conference paper/Scientific

3. Gyulai G, Bittsánszky A, Gullner G, Heltai Gy, Komives T
Somatic clones of Populus nigra selected and characteried by SSRs, and compared to 35S-gshI P. canescens for sulphurylase uptake capacity.
In: Veisz O (ed.) Climate Change: Challanges and Opportunities in Agriculture: AGRISAFE Final Conference Conference location, date: Budapest, Hungary, 21/03/2011-23/03/2011. Martonvásár: Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 2011. pp. 167-170. (ISBN:978-963-8351-37-1)

4. Gyulai G, Bittsánszky A, Gullner G, Heltai G, Komives T
Microsatellite variations of somatic clones of black poplar (Populus nigra) selected in vitro for phytoextraction purposes.
In: Sasa Orlovic (ed.) „STREPOW” International Workshop, Conference location, date: Novi Sad, Serbia, 23/02/2011-24/02/2011. Novi Sad: 2011. pp. 31-62. (ISBN:978-86-912323-4-4)

5. Bordas B, Belai I, Komives T
Theoretical Molecular Descriptors Relevant to the Uptake of Persistent Organic Pollutants from Soil by Zucchini. A QSAR Study. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 59:(7) pp. 2863-2869. (2011). IF: 2.823