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Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in “Agronomia Ambientale”

Márton Jolankái



Surname(s) / First name(s) JOLÁNKAI Márton
Address(es) H-1034 Budapest, Selmeci utca 23
Telephone(s) +36 12502168
Fax(es) +36 14116203
E-mail(s), Web address(s),,

Nationality(-ies) Hungarian
Date of birth 15.03.1949.
Identification number from Records of Scientific Workers Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA 05338)


• Dates (from – to) 1998 to present
Name and address of employer Szent István University, Páter Károly utca 1, H-2103Gödöllő, Hungary
Type of business or sector Education, agriculture
Occupation or position held Professor, director of institute
Main activities and responsibilities Education, research, development

• Dates (from – to) 1993 to present
Name and address of employer Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Nádor utca 7, H-1051 Budapest, Hungary
Type of business or sector science
Occupation or position held counsellor
Main activities and responsibilities Research, development, public administration

• Dates (from – to) 1978-1993
Name and address of employer HAS Agricultural Research Institute, Brunszvik utca 1, H-2162 Martonvásár, Hungary
Type of business or sector Research, agriculture
Occupation or position held Research fellow,
Main activities and responsibilities Research, education, development, extension

• Dates (from – to) 1973-1978
Name and address of employer Tárnok EMTSZ, Dózsa György út 1. Tárnok, Hungary
Type of business or sector Agricultural cooperative farm
Occupation or position held agronomist
Main activities and responsibilities Field crop production


Date 1968-1973
Place of education Gödöllő, Hungary
Name and type of organisation providing education University of Agricultural Sciences
Title or qualification awarded Diploma in agricultural sciences


Year 1978
Place of training Bournemouth, UK
Name and type of organisation providing training British Council, postgraduate
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Agricultural management

Year 1980
Place of training Odessa, SU
Name and type of organisation providing training Agricultural University, postgraduate
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Agrochemistry, crop production

Year 1983
Place of training Helsinki, Finland
Name and type of organisation providing training Academy of Sciences of Finland, postgraduate
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Crop production, plant nutrition


Mother tongue(s) Hungarian

Other language(s)

Language English Russian German
Speaking X x x
Writing X x
Understanding (listening and reading) X x x


ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Soil Science, Water Management and Crop Production Committe of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – president
European Society for Agronomy - member
International Soil Tillage Research Organisation - member
Agrokémia és Talajtan, periodical – editorial board member
Növénytermelés, periodical – editorial board member
Acta Agronomica Hungarica – editorial board member
Magyarország Kultúrflórája, periodical – editorial board member

Scientific degrees: PhD /agric/, CSc /agric/, DSc /agric/

DRIVING LICENCE(S) Motor vehicle B, K, M, T

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 440 publications; from that 46 books and book chapters, 175 scientific papers

List of last 5 pubblications

Jolánkai M. (2010): Agriculture, soil management and climate change. In: Climate change and Hungary: Mitigating the hazard and preparing for the impacts – the VAHAVA Report. Ed.: Faragó T. – Láng I, - Csete L. HAS. Budapest. 38-45 pp.
Jolánkai M. (2011): Termesztési hibák által okozott fejlődési zavarok. In: Kertészeti és szántóföldi növények fejlődési rendellenességei. Eds: Terbe I. – Slezák K. – Kappel N. Mezőgazda Kiadó, Budapest. 299-306 pp
Birkás M. – Jolánkai M. – Mesic M. – Bottlik L. (2012): Soil quality and land use in Hungary. In: Impact of tillage and fertilization on probable climate threats in Hungary and Croatia, soil vulnerability and protection. Eds: Birkás M. – Mesić M. Szent Istvan University Press, Gödöllő. 9-24 pp.
Gyuricza Cs. – Tarnawa Á. – Balla I. – Szentpétery Zs. – Jolánkai M. (2012): Climate conditions in Hungary – impacts on agricultural production. In: Impact of tillage and fertilization on probable climate threats in Hungary and Croatia, soil vulnerability and protection. Eds: Birkás M. – Mesić M. Szent Istvan University Press, Gödöllő. 37-45 pp.
Jolánkai M. – Tarnawa Á. – Balla I. – Máté A. (2012): Soil fertilization and its defects in Hungary. In: Impact of tillage and fertilization on probable climate threats in Hungary and Croatia, soil vulnerability and protection. Eds: Birkás M. – Mesić M. Szent Istvan University Press, Gödöllő. 113-121 pp.