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Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in “Agronomia Ambientale”

Lucia Draghia


draghiaPERSONAL DATA                                  

Name / First name DRAGHIA LUCIA

Address Str. Garabet Ibrăileanu nr. 6, bl.7, sc. A, ap. 6, Iaşi, Romania

Telephone 0232407446, 0743171879

Fax  0232260650


Nationality Romanian

Date of birth 12.12.1961

WORKING PLACE University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi, professor, PhD leader

FIELD OF ACTIVITY  education-training, higher education, research


I. Period and position                         

a. 19.09.2005 – present: Professor

b. 1.10.2001 - 19.09.2005: Associate professor

c. 15.02.1993 - 1.10.2001: Lecturer

d. 18.02.1991 - 15.02.1993: Assistant

e. 1.10.1990 - 18.02.1991: Assistant with delegation

f. 1.12.1988 – 1.10.1990: Engineer

Main activities and responsabilities        DIDACTIC ACTIVITY: Floriculture, Production of planting arboretum and floricultural material; Ornamental arboriculture and landscape design

Other didactic activities: elaboration of books, hand-books, leader for licence/diploma/dissertation/1st degree, practical training, tutor for students

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: participation at research activities (grant manager: 4 national grants; member in research teams: 13 national grants and 1 international grant); scientific papers: 120 papers and scientific communications

MANAGERIAL ACTIVITIES: scientific secretary, Faculty of Horticulture Iaşi (2004-2012); dean of Faculty of Horticulture Iaşi (2012 - present)

Name and address of employer     USAMV Iasi, Aleea M. Sadoveanu 3, 700490, Iaşi, Romania

Type/activity sector                             Higher education / research

II. Period and position                         22.10.1987 - 1.12.1988: Research engineer

Main activities and responsabilities        RESEARCH ACTIVITY: breeding and preservative selection of vegetables

Name and address of employer     Vegetable Reasearch and Development Station Buzău, Romania


III. Period and position                       21.10.1985 - 22.10.1987: Horticultural engineer

Activities and responsabilities         PRODUCTION ACTIVITY: coordination of farm activities, seed producing for

                                                                     vegetable crops

Name and address of employer     Agricultural unit “Dunărea” Brăila, Romania


I. Period                                                    1976-1980

Qualification / Diploma                       Baccalaureate Diploma (Series A, nr. 136126)

Name of the institution                     “M. Eminescu” High School, Buzău, chemistry-biology profile

Level                                                          High school

II. Period                                                  1981-1985

Qualification / Diploma                       Horticultural engineer (Engineer diploma series C, nr. 20494)

Competences                                        Horticultural technologies, Management of horticultural units

Name of the institution                     “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Agronomic Institute, Iaşi

Level                                                          6, higher education

III. Period                                                 1990-1997

Qualification / Diploma                       Doctor in Agronomy (Diploma series P, nr. 0006955/ 1997)

Competences                                        Management and marketing in agriculture

Name of the institution                     USAMV Iasi

Level                                                          8, PhD studies


SKILLS AND PERSONAL COMPETENCES - didactic and educational activities; team spirit; formation and training and horticulture; - work capacity and adaptation at special working conditions

                - specializations:

- 1984 – Plovdiv Agronomic Institute, Bulgaria (training period);

- 1989 – Cluj-Napoca Research Centre (training lectures);

- 21.01-21.04.1995 – didactic training period at Faculty of Agricultural Sciences from Gembloux, Belgium (scholarship financed by Programme TEMPUS- PHARE)

- 22.08 – 4.09.2005 – professional training period in programme Socrates-Erasmus at Superior Institute of Agriculture Lille France, „Teaching Staff Mobility (TS)”

- 20.08 – 1.09.2009 - professional training period in programme Socrates-Erasmus University Tuscia-Viterbo, Italy.

- 2.05.-10.05. 2010 - professional training period in programme Socrates-Erasmus at University Aristotel, Thesaloniki, Greece


NATIVE LANGUAGE                             Romanian

FOREIGNER LANGUAGES                  French; English

Self evaluation                                       Understanding                 Speaking                                          Writing

European level (*)

                                                                     Listening    Reading        Conversation        Oral speak    Writing experience

French                                                       B2                 B2                    B2                              B2                    B2

English                                                      A2                 B1                    B1                              A2                    A2

                                                                     (*) Level of European Frame for Foreigner Languages


- Tutor for the students; organizing scientific and social-cultural activities

- Member in societies and professional associations: international (International Society of Horticultural Science - ISHS; European Society for New Methods In Agricultural Research – ESNA); national (Society of History and Retrology from Romania; Romanian Society of Horticulture; Association „Amicii Rozelor” from Romania)


- adaptability and team work; director and member in grants’ research teams; member in Senate of USAMV Iaşi (2004 - 2012); member in Council Board of Faculty of Horticulture Iasi (1992-1996; 2000-2012); scientific secretary at Faculty of Horticulture Iaşi (2004-2012); dean of Faculty of Horticulture Iaşi (2012 -)


- implementation of experimental protocols, research activity;

- management of educational activities;

- expertise in horticulture (floriculture, ornamental arboriculture, landscape design)

- deputy chief editor and scientific reviewer “Lucrări ştiinţifice USAMV Iaşi, seria Horticultură” - ISSN 1454-7376 (Edit. Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iaşi),

- editor at Journal Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova - ISSN 0379-5837 (Edit. Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iaşi,)

- scientific reviewer for PhD thesis;

- member in the commissions for diploma/licence/dissertation examinations;

- member in evaluation commissions of ARACIS.

COMPETENCES AND PC SKILLS  - User of PC / Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Power Point; Internet

- DTP and publisher of didactic and scientific materials

DRIVING LICENCE                                 no


- Prize of Romania Society of Horticulture in 2003 for the book “Processing of plating arboretum material”. Edit. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iaşi

- Prize of ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF HORTICULTURE – 2008 for the activity as member in the research team of grant FP6 “Quali-Juice CALL-CT 012461/2005”

- Prize of ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF HORTICULTURE – 2008 as a sign of recognition for the whole activity done for development of Romanian horticulture.

- Diploma and Gold Medal "Henri Coanda" Salon of Inventions "Inventions 2011", Iasi (8-10 June 2011) for his "Biodegradable materials to use in plant cultivation technology."


5 most important publications in the last 5 years 

Zlati Cristina, Grădinariu G., Istrate M., Draghia Lucia, 2011 – Formation of Graft Union in Pear: A Histological Study by Using Light Microscopy. Journal of American Pomological Society 65(4): 185-191 (F.i.=0,37691; Si.= 0,45815)

Draghia Lucia, Chelariu Elena Liliana, Zaharia Alina, 2011 - Aspects Regarding the Production of Planting Material at Some Ornamental Species from Spontaneous Flora, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Horticulture, pag.332-337.

Draghia Lucia, Morariu Aliona, Elena-Liliana Chelariu, 2010 – Cytogenetic research regarding species with ornamental value identified in the north-east area of Romania. Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova, vol. XLIII, nr. 4 (144), pg. 51-59.

Draghia Lucia, Chelariu Elena-Liliana, Zlati Cristina, Bireescu L., 2009 - Studies regarding the effect of some unconventional fertilizers used for ornamental plants cultivated in the field. Bulletin U.A.S.V.M. Cluj-Napoca, Horticulture 66(1), pg. 510-515, ISSN 1843-5254; ISSN 1843-5394.,,, si alte baze de date internationale (EBSCO, CAS, VINITI etc.)

Draghia Lucia, Chelariu Elena-Liliana, Delinschi Violeta, Grădinariu G., Bireescu L., 2008 - Influence of bio-fertilizer foliar application on growth and anatomical changes of Tagetes patula. Proceedings of „43th Croatian and 3th International Symposium on Agriculture”, University of Zagreb, Croatia. ISBN 978-953-6135-57-8.