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Ricerca di uno studendente Magistale per un tirocinio retribuito alla University of Luxembourg,


In recent years, the emergence of connected objects have opened up new research opportunities. Wearables, in particular smartwatches, are now equipped with multiple sensors that can track the daily activities of a user. In this context, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust at the University of Luxembourg is seeking a student for a paid internship. The role of the intern will be to investigate how human dynamics can be efficiently collected and evaluated. More specifically, the student will help to develop an embedded application to collect, store and analyse different relevant metrics that can be retrieved using wearables.

Responsibilities of the intern:
1. Get familiar with the basic platform that has already been setup
2. Deploy and customize applications on multiple devices
3. Interconnect these applications with the existing platform
4. Perform preliminary analysis on the system energy consumption
5. Perform preliminary experiments

1. Master/Engineering student in Computer Sciences
2. Good development skills. Experience with Android and iOS systems is an advantage
3. Good knowledge of Linux based operating systems
4. Fluent in English (oral and written)

- Start: April 2015
- Duration: 6 months
- Location: SnT Research Center of the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- European passport needed
- Expenses covered by a monthly lump sum

- Dr. Sebastien Faye, email: sebastien.faye {at}
- Dr. Raphael Frank, email: raphael.frank {at}