Offerta Formativa anno 2021
Courses and Seminars of the Department of Engineering for Third Cycle (PhD) Programmes
Here you find information about our third-cycle education courses open to all doctoral students of the Department of Engineering.
The detailed schedule of the courses and seminars will be announced with approximately 30-day notice. A short description of all the course is available here. To know how you apply for them, please, refer to the Third Cycle courses Guidelines.
For further information, please, contact Ms Lidia Drago or Prof. Clelia Dispenza
Main proponent: PhD programme in Advances In Modeling, Health-monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest)
Main proponent: PhD programme in Chemical, Environmental, Biomedical, Hydraulic And Materials Engineering
Main proponent: PhD programme in Energy
Main proponent: PhD programme in Information and Communication Technologies
Main proponent: PhD programme in Advances In Modeling, Health-monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest)
Course Code |
Title |
Course Coordinator Lecturer(s) |
Hours of lectures |
ECTS credits |
Language |
Expected dates |
Scheduled date and time |
Link to registration form |
001 |
Evolution of the design approaches in the last century: how the seismic protection of structures has modified |
Prof. Liborio Cavaleri |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Oct |
002 |
The evolution of design and structural calculation methods in relation to the evolution of calculation tools: from conceptual design to FEM analysis |
Prof. Piero Colajanni |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Nov/Dec |
003 |
Applicazioni Geomatiche attraverso software di gestione open source |
Dr. Gino Dardanelli |
18-24 |
3 |
Italian |
Sept |
17/09/2021: 8-11 20/09/2021: 8-11 21/09/2021: 8-11 22/09/2021: 8-11 23/09/2021: 8-11 24/09/2021: 8-11 |
004 |
Corso breve su Elementi di Matlab per l’ingegneria |
Dr. Alberto Di Matteo |
12-16 |
2 |
Italian |
May (from year 2022) |
005 |
The transition from linear to circular economy. A new approach to manage resources and process in the civil engineering |
Prof. Gaetano Di Mino |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept-Nov |
006 |
Il calcolo differenziale stocastico |
Prof. Mario Di Paola |
6-8 |
1 |
Italian |
Apr/May |
20/04/21: 15-17 27/04/21: 15-17 04/05/21: 15-17 11/05/21: 15-17 |
007 |
Experimental Geomechanics |
Prof. Alessio Ferrari |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Oct |
008 |
Elementi di modellazione FEM per la meccanica strutturale mediante Abaqus/CAE |
Dr. Marco Ferrotto |
18-24 |
3 |
Italian |
Mar (from year 2022) |
009 |
Phase Field Models and Configurational Forces in Solid Mechanics |
Prof. Giuseppe Giambanco |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept-Nov |
010 |
Introduzione a Python per il calcolo scientifico |
Dr. Emma La Malfa Ribolla |
12-16 |
2 |
Italian |
Sept |
011 |
Building your reputation through research products: Planning, Drafting, Revising, Publishing and Disseminating your scientific papers |
Dr. Davide Lo Presti |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
March and Sept |
19/03/21:9.30-13.30 26/03/21: 9.30-13.30 |
012 |
Corso di termografia |
Prof. Antonino Maltese |
22 |
3 |
Italian |
Feb/Jul |
Part 1 18/02/21: 16-19 24/02/21: 16-19 25/02/21: 16-19 03/03/21: 15-18 04/03/21: 15-17 Part II 01/07/21: 10-13 07/07/21: 10-13 08/07/21: 10-14 |
013 |
Modellazione agli elementi finiti di opere e sistemi geotecnici mediante Plaxis |
Dr. Marco Rosone |
12-16 |
2 |
Italian |
Sept/Oct |
014 |
Dynamic stability of slender structures under follower forces |
Prof. Massimiliano Zingales |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Apr |
05/05/21: 15-18 06/05/21: 15-18 07/05/21: 16-18 |
Main proponent: PhD programme in Chemical, Environmental, Biomedical, Hydraulic And Materials Engineering
Course code |
Title |
Course Coordinator Lecturer(s) |
Hours of lectures |
ECTS credits |
Language |
Expected dates |
Scheduled date and time |
Link to registration form |
015 |
Cycling P and N on the urban waste water cycles: from waste water treatment planst to water and resource recovery facilities |
Prof. José Luis Cortina |
6-8 |
1 |
English |
Jul |
016 |
Nanoscience and nanomaterials: pushing the boudaries of technology |
Prof. Clelia Dispenza |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Oct/Nov |
017 |
Pumps Technology and developments |
Prof. Zied Driss |
9 |
1 |
English/French |
Jun |
02/06/21: 15-18.20 09/06/21: 15-18.20 16/06/21: 15-18.20 |
018 |
Sensors and Biosensors |
Prof. Rosalinda Inguanta |
6 |
1 |
English/Italian |
May. |
14/05/21:9.30-12.30 |
019 |
Hydrogen Economy - Is a 'cleaner' future possible? |
Prof. Rosalinda Inguanta |
6 |
1 |
English |
Apr |
02/04/21: 9-12 02/04/21: 15-18 |
020 |
Electrochemical Energy Systems: Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers and Batteries |
Prof. Rosalinda Inguanta |
6 |
1 |
English |
Apr |
09/04/21: 9-12 09/04/21: 15-18 |
021 |
Multiphysics modelling of the system effective energy cost under Excel at Macroscale and Ansys-Fluent at an elementary cell scale. Example of thermal and velocity regulations for buildings and vehicles |
Prof. Rosalinda Inguanta |
6-8 |
1 |
English |
n.a. |
022 |
Multiphysics modelling of the electrochemical systems. From the elementary transport and reactive processes coupling modelling and simulation to the macroscopic performances |
Prof. Rosalinda Inguanta |
6-8 |
1 |
English |
n.a |
023 |
Radiation science and safety |
Prof. Mats Jonsson |
8-10 |
1 |
English |
July |
26/07/21: 10-13 27/07/21: 10-13 28/07/21: 10-12 | |
024 |
How to write and publish a high impact scientifc paper: An editor perspective |
Prof. Gianluca Li Puma |
3 |
- |
English |
n.a. |
025 |
Polymeric materials and resource efficiency |
Prof. Giada Lo Re |
8-10 |
1 |
English/French/Italian |
Mar-June |
22/04/21: 14-16 29/04/21: 14-16 06/05/21: 14-16 13/05/21: 14-16 21/05/21: 10-12 |
026 |
Water depollution by Advanced Oxidation Technologies |
Prof. Vittorio Loddo |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
28/06/21: 15-17 29/06/21 15-17 30/06/21: 15-17 |
027 |
Preparation of microfluid devices for blood separation in medical diagnosis |
Dr. Francesco Lopresti |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Mar |
30/03/21: 15-18 31/03/21: 15-18 |
028 |
Combined processing for the preparation of biopolymeric porous structures for biomedical applications |
Dr Francesco Lopresti |
18 |
3 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
27/09/21: 10-13; 15-17 28/09/21: 10-13; 15-17 29/09/21: 10-13; 15-17 30/09/21: 10-13 |
029 |
Metodi lagrangiani nella fluidodinamica numerica |
Prof. Enrico Napoli |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
030 |
Neural Network for Machine Learning: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network, design and implementation in Matlab |
Prof. Dario Pumo |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jul |
12/07/21: 11-13 13/07/21: 11-13 14/07/21: 11-13 15/07/21: 11-13 |
031 |
Liquid crystals |
Dr. Marco Saccone |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Mar |
08/03/21: 15-17 10/03/21: 15-17 15/03/21: 15-17 17/03/21 15-17 |
032 |
Theory and practice of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy |
Prof. Monica Santamaria, Dr. Francesco Di Franco and Dr. Andrea Zaffora |
10 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
21/06/21: 15-17
22/06/21: 15-17 23/06/21: 15-17 24/06/21 15-17 25/06/21: 15-17 |
033 |
Salinity Gradient Power: Fundamentals, main tehnologies and applications |
Ing. Alessandro Tamburini Lectures by A. Tamburini, G. Micale, A. Cipollina |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jul |
20/07/21: 15-17 21/07/21: 15-18 22/07/21: 15-18 |
034 |
Peculiar hydro-morphodynamic processes in rivers |
Prof. Donatella Termini |
6-8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jul |
19/07/21: 9-12 23/07/21: 9-12
035 |
Eulerian numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics |
Prof. Tullio Tucciarelli and Prof. Costanza Aricò |
10 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
07/06/21: 9-11
08/06/21: 9-11; 16-18 09/06/21: 9-11; 16-18 |
036 |
Critical issues and new perspectives in environmental remediation technologies |
Prof. G. Viviani (Coordinator) Prof. M. Torregrossa (1) Prof. G. Mannina (2) Prof. A. Cosenza (3) Prof. S.F. Corsino (4) Prof. D. Di Trapani (5) |
10 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
(1) 10/06/21: 2h (2) 11/06/21: 2h (3) 16/06/21: 2h (4) 17/06/21: 2h (5) 18/06/21: 2h
Main proponent: PhD programme in Energy
Course code |
Title |
Course Coordinator Lecturer(s) |
Hours of lectures |
ECTS credits |
Language |
Expected dates |
Scheduled date and time |
Link to registration form |
037 |
Computational Electromagnetics |
Prof. Guido Ala/Prof. Fabio Viola |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
21/01/22: 9-13 28/01/22: 9-13 |
038 |
The importance of semi-quantitative estimates in Engineering |
Prof. Michele Ciofalo |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
n.a. |
039 |
Energy transition and decarbonisation |
Prof. Maurizio Cellura/Prof. Sonia Longo |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
n.a. |
040 |
Engineering challenges of Nuclear Fusion Reactor |
Prof Alessandro Di Maio, Dr Pierluigi Chiovaro |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
May |
18/05/21: 15.30 - 18.30 20/05/21: 15.30 - 18.30 25/05/21: 15.30 - 18.30 |
041 |
Applications of finite elements methods for energy systems |
Prof. Valerio Lo Brano/ Dr Alessandro Buscemi |
16 |
2 |
English/Italian |
Mar |
042 |
E-mobility |
Prof. Rosario Miceli |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
043 |
Positive energy districts |
Prof. Gaetano Zizzo/Prof. Maurizio Cellura |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
044 |
Distributed Generation |
Prof. G.Zizzo(1) Dr. R. Musca(2) |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Apr |
27/04/21: 15 - 18 (1) 04/05/21: 15 - 18 (2) 06/05/21: 15 - 17 (1,2) |
Main proponent: PhD programme in Information and Communication Technologies
Course code |
Title |
Course Coordinator Lecturer(s) |
Hours of lectures |
ECTS credits |
Language |
Expected dates |
Scheduled date and time Link to registration form |
045 |
A new information theory |
Prof. Giulio Chiribella |
8 |
1 |
English |
Jul |
046 |
Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis |
Dr. Albert Comelli
10 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
10/09/2021 15-17 13/09/2021 10-12 17/09/2021 15-17 20/09/2021 10-12 24/09/2021 15-17 |
Register |
047 |
Labview |
Prof.ssa Valentina Cosentino |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
06/09/21: 15-18 07/09/21: 15-18 08/09/21: 15-18 |
048 |
Searching Big tables in small space |
Prof. Raffaele Giancarlo |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jan/Feb |
15/02/21: 10-13 16/02/21: 10-13 19/02/21: 10-12 |
Register |
049 |
Radar Systems: from fundamentals to new frontiers; cognitive radar and microwave quantum radar |
Prof.ssa Patrizia Livreri, Prof. Marco Martorella |
20 |
2 |
English/Italian |
May |
07/05/21: 11-13 (cancelled) 14/05/21: 11-13 21/05/21: 11-13 27/05/21 11-13 28/05/21: 11-13 |
050 |
Fundamentals of Big Data |
Prof.ssa Simona Rombo |
10 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jan/Feb |
15/02/21: 16-18 22/02/21: 9-11 24/02/21: 9-12 04/03/21 15:30-18:30 |
Register |
Course code |
Title |
Course Coordinator Lecturer(s) |
Hours of lectures |
ECTS credits |
Language |
Expected dates |
Scheduled date and time |
Link to registration form |
051 |
Crowdsourcing last mile delivery operations: New business models for the interconnected supply chain |
Prof. Giuseppe Aiello |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
14/06/21: 10-14 17/06/21: 10-14 |
052 |
Retail 4.0 New technologies and methodologies for frontend and backend services |
Prof. Giuseppe Aiello |
16 |
2 |
English/Italian |
May/Jun |
25/05/21: 12-16 27/05/21: 10-14 07/06/21: 10-14 10/06/21: 10-14 |
Register |
053 |
Cyber physical systems and the digital twin |
Prof. Giuseppe Aiello |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
21/09/21: 10-14 22/09/21: 10-14 |
054 |
New technologies for industrial logistic support: drone based operations and data management |
Prof. Giuseppe Aiello |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
055 |
Naval Fleet Management in shipping 4.0 era: new business models for the maritime industry |
Prof. Giuseppe Aiello |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
n.a. |
056 |
Research Methods |
Prof. Giovanni Battista Dagnino |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun/Jul |
30/06/21: 15-18 06/07/21: 15-18 12/07/21: 15-17 |
057 |
Numerical Methods for Engineering |
Prof.ssa Elisa Francomano |
16 |
2 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
02/09/21: 9-11 03/09/21: 9-10 06/09/21: 15-17 07/09/21: 9-12 08/09/21:9-11 14/09/21: 9-11 15/09/21: 9-11 16/09/21: 9-11 |
058 |
Application of multi-criteria methodologies for sustainability assessment |
Prof.ssa Giada La Scalia |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Nov |
059 |
Fundamentals of Life Cycle Engineering techniques |
Prof. Giuseppe Ingarao |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
May |
18/05/21:15.30-18.30 19/05/21:15.30-18.30 20/05/21:15.30-17.30 |
060 |
Additive Manufacturing |
Prof Tommaso Ingrassia, Prof Gianluca Buffa |
8 |
2 |
English/Italian |
Sept |
061 |
Probability |
Prof. Alberto Lombardo |
9 |
1 |
English/Italian |
On demand |
062 |
Statistical Laboratory |
Prof. Alberto Lombardo |
19 |
2 |
English/Italian |
On demand |
063 |
Multivariate Statistical Analysis |
Prof.ssa Giulia Marcon |
16 |
2 |
English/Italian |
Oct |
064 |
Open Innovation and Open Business Model |
Prof.ssa Erica Mazzola |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jul |
065 |
Project management |
Prof.ssa Rosa Micale |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Oct |
066 |
Computational Modelling of Composite and Heterogeneous Materials - 8h - 1CFU (Benedetti, Milazzo) |
Prof. Ivano Benedetti, Prof. Alberto Milazzo |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Jun |
08/06/21: 15 - 18 14/06/21: 15 -17 18/06/21: 15 - 18 |
067 |
Non-Destructive Evaluation for Industry 4.0 |
Prof. Carmelo Mineo |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Apr |
13/04/21: 10 - 12 14/04/21: 10 - 12 15/04/21: 10 - 12 16/04/21: 10 - 12 |
068 |
Multi-sided platform business models |
Prof. Paolo Roma |
8 |
1 |
English/Italian |
Nov |