Engineering Department e-mail:
International Delegate: Prof. Pietro Romano
Erasmus+ Study: the programme, requirements and destinations
Join the Erasmus+ programme, you can spend part of your university studies in another European or non-European country and experience a unique cultural enrichment.
By taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme, you can spend part of your university career studying in another EU or non-EU country, gaining unique and culturally enriching experience.
What is it and what does it offer?
The Erasmus+ programme is an EU-funded mobility programme that allows you to spend between two and twelve months at a European or Extra-European university.
It allows you to attend courses, to take the examinations and obtain ECTS recognition. To help you cover the costs of your stay abroad, the Erasmus+ programme provides a financial contribution.
With the Erasmus+ student status you will be guaranteed:
Academic recognition for completed learning activities.
The exemption from payment of registration fees at the host institution (but not of the sending institution) and the right to use the same services that the host institution offers to its own students.
Where can you go?
The full list of partner universities where Erasmus is being carried out is updated annually and will therefore be only available at the time the Erasmus-call is published. For consultation, please visit the Unipa page at link: and click on Annex A - Agreements of the reference call.
Erasmus mobility is identified in column A "Type of mobility", with the SMS code.
For the mobility Dual-Title degree please refer instead to the code DT in column A "Type of mobility". In the same document is specified the Departmental Coordinator of each destination.
Remember!Before submitting an online application, each student will have to check: • the requirements indicated by the Departmental Coordinator for the Agreement of Interest, and/or by the Coordinator of Study Course (see column "Limitations" contained in Annex A); • the teaching offer of the partner university, to verify its compatibility with their own study plan. • Any language requirements of the partner university. • the application-deadlines indicated by the partner university.
Important: before applying, it is highly recommended to be very careful in checking the deadlines of 'Nominations' on the various Partner Universities’ websites. |
Who can participate?
Students regularly enrolled in:
• Degree courses (1st cycle).
• Master’s degree courses (2nd cycle).
• PhD Courses (3rd cycle).
Students in good standing with their fees and contributions may apply. For all other specifications, please refer to the current year’s Erasmus-call published at the following link:
For further information please consult the FAQ page on:
International mobility offices Contacts: IF YOU ARE AN OUTGOING STUDENT: Contact the Engineering Department Contact Person at: for:
Where we are: Building 7, Viale delle Scienze, opposite the stationery and copy shop. Contact the Outgoing Student Office of the University of Palermo at: for:
Where we are: Building 3 - Viale delle Scienze, Students Administrative Offices IMPORTANT: For any cancellation of your Erasmus mobility, please pay attention to the terms and deadline indicated in the call so as not to incur penalties in subsequent calls. IMPORTANT: For any cancellation of your Erasmus mobility, please pay attention to the terms and deadline indicated in the call so as not to incur penalties in subsequent calls. |
- Erasmus Student Network:
- Erasmus Student Network Palermo:
- Blog:
- University Regulations for International Mobility: