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Tesi di dottorato/PhD Theses


Analysis and development of uncertainty quantification methodologies for the deterministic safety analysis of severe accident progressions in fission nuclear power plants

Design and optimisation of innovative systems for hydrogen production using marine energy sources

Development of a decision support system for companies in the energy from biomass area, applying circular economy principles with a life cycle thinking approach

Development of an early design tool for positive energy districts: energy assessment and carbon footprint through four real case studies

Diagnostic and reliability assessment of electronic components and power modules for automotive application

Digital Twins of Smart Energy Systems: Models and Optimization Algorithms

Energy Management Systems and Potential Applications of Quantum Computing in the Energy Sector

Innovative Control and Energy Management of DC Microgrids with Hybrid Storage: Enabling E-Mobility and Hydrogen Energy Solutions

Innovative Methods and Control Strategies for Frequency Support in Power Systems

Integrated Planning and Management Strategies for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids: Self-Healing Capability Evaluation, Short-circuit Calculations, and Hierarchical Power Flow Optimization

Metodologie per l’utilizzazione della flessibilità degli utenti finali


Modeling and Control of Reversible Air-to-water Heat Pumps

Numerical and experimental analysis of solar assisted borehole thermal energy storage systems

Technologies and metrics for metrological characteristics improvement of low-cost devices for smart grids measurements

Thermal-hydraulics and thermomechanics of EU-demo divertor