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ICHI-01/C – Theory of Development of Chemical Processes



The Research Group in “Theory of Development of Chemical Processes” has a strong track record in the fields of Conventional and Renewable Energy Desalination processes, Salinity Gradient Energy processes, Valorization of Brines, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mixing and Multiphase Flows, Computer Aided Process Engineering, Process Dynamics and Control, Membrane Separation Processes, with focus on (i) experimental analysis, (ii) mathematical modelling and simulation, (iii) prototyping activities.

Research topics:

  • Conventional and renewable energy Desalination
  • Low energy desalination
  • Valorisation of natural and waste brines
  • Treatment and valorisation of produced waters
  • Marine brines as a source of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals
  • Energy production from salinity gradients by reverse electrodialysis
  • Salinity gradient heat engines
  • Storage devices based on salinity and pH gradients
  • Electrodialysis processes for the treatment and production of chemicals
  • Hemodialysis
  • CFD applications in the biomedical field
  • Computational hemodynamics
  • Hydrogen production via electro-membrane processes

Research Projects:

The Research Group participated in the past to 9 EU-funded projects (MEDIRAS, PRODES, STAGE-STE, REAPower, RED Heat-to-Power, REvivED, ReWaCEM, BAoBaB, ZERO BRINE) on solar-powered desalination and salinity gradient power technologies, novel hybrid technologies for water desalination and energy storage, and valorisation of industrial brines via membrane processes separations and chemical reactions. The research group presently works in 4 on-going Horizon projects, i.e. SEARCULARMINE, WATER MINING, REWAISE and SOL2H2O.


CFD, desalination, brine valorisation, flow battery, salinity gradient energy, hemodialysis, electro-membrane processes, hydrogen