ICHI-01/B – Transport Phenomena
The scientific sector belongs to the Engineering Department and promotes research and teaching activities in the field of Systems, Methods and Technologies of Chemical and Process Engineering. In particular, the sector develops the modelling of chemical-physical phenomena and of equipment (with particular reference to chemical and biochemical reactors), using tools such as thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and transport phenomena employing specific mathematical, statistical and probabilistic methods, for the identification of process parameters. The applications are addressed not only to the process industry (chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, biotechnology, materials) but also to the environmental, energy, biomedical field and in general to the industries for the production of goods or services and for the recovery or environmental protection. Particular attention is paid to innovative technologies and process intensification, such as microequipments, microfluidics, tissue regeneration.
Research areas currently carried out by the researchers of the Scientific Sector:
- water treatments using advanced oxidation system;
- chemical syntheses of high added value products through "green" processe;
- development and modelling of heterogeneous photocatalytic reactors and microreactor;
- kinetic modellin;
- development of new photocatalysts suitable of exploiting solar radiation (not only in the near-UV but also in the visible field)
- development of “multifunctional” reactors in order to improve the performances of reacting systems in which the coupling of different technologies result in a “process intensification”;
- natural and syntetic semicrystalline polymeric materials transformation process;
- polymeric crystallization kinetics;
- injection molding modelling;
- tissue engineering.
List of the main research projects:
- Industrial and Experimental Development Research Projects in the 12 individual specialization areas of PNR 2015 - 2020 n. 1735 /Ric del 13 luglio 2017 - ARS01_00891, denominated “PlaCE - Conversione di Piattaforme Off Shore per usi multipli eco-sostenibili” ;
- PNR ARS01_00697 entitled “Advanced Green Materials for Cultural Heritage-AGM for CuHe”.
Keywords: Transport Phenomena, Chemical reactor, Biotechnologies. Polimer Crystallization Kinetics, Injection Molding Modelling, Tissue Engineering.