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Calogero Bruno - Senior Manager at Amazon

Dec 15, 2024


Dear students,

we kindly invite you to attend th seminar of the initiative “Meet the Manager” on December 19, 2024 at 6.00 pm. As you know, the initiative “Meet the Manager” is an initiative aiming at creating a close relationship between you and the ex-alumni of the Master Degree Course in Management Engineering, who now hold relevant positions in companies or institutions. The goal is to favor sharing of their experience and the relevant business issues they faced during their career in an informal manner that can create a strong sense of attachment and belongingness to the UNIPA Management Engineering community.

The speaker is Eng. Calogero Bruno, graduated summa cum laude in Management Engineering at UNIPA in 2014. He is currently Senior Manager at Amazon, one of the major Internet companies and the biggest online retailer with annual revenues of about $ 575B.

The seminar will be available online through our Microsoft Teams platform at the following link:

Please contact us for any question regarding this event (

We are looking forward to seeing you for this great event!

Prof. Paolo Roma
“Meet the Manager” event organizer