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Seminario "Biomedical signals: analysis and applications" - 8 maggio 2019



Si informano gli studenti interessati che giorno 8 maggio 2019 dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 18.30, il Prof. Anton Popov, del Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine, terrà presso l'Aula Savagnone, Edificio 9, un seminario dal titolo “Biomedical signals: analysis and applications”.

Verranno attributi 0,5 CFU agli studenti di Ingegneria Elettronica (terzo anno) che seguiranno il seminario e supereranno la verifica che verrà eseguita alla fine del seminario.


The functioning of human body is accompanied by many types of biosignals, reflecting the inner processes in healthy conditions and in diseases. Biomedical engineering deals with registration and further analysis of these signals, which opens a window into the state of the organs and systems, and provides the tools for diagnosis, monitoring, prognosis and treatment. In the seminar lectures, the overview of the types and characteristics of various biosignals will be given. Then, the types of biomedical systems will be described and characterized with examples of their applications in clinical settings and in off-hospital environment. Finally, the main mathematical approaches to biosignal processing and analysis will be reviewed and their applications will be presented (epileptic seizures study, Alzheimer disease diagnosis, muscle synergies detection, body posture stability, emotional response to cognitive workload).
