
Coordinatore: Prof. Marco Migliore
Professore Associato - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali
Civile L7 - Details of the Degree Course
Academic year of the educational offer: 2016/2017
- Building Sciences (L-23)
- Civil and environmental engineering (L-7)
credits total:180
Educational objectives |
Professional opportunities |
Final examination features |
The Degree Course in class L-7 (Civil and environmental engineering) and L-23 (Construction science and technique) specifically aims at educating professionals capable of having technical and technical-organizational positions in contexts requiring the knowledge of the methodological-operational aspects of core sciences as well as of civil and construction engineering, For this reason, the course provides for the basic mathematics-physics and scientific-technical training needed to interpret, describe and solve specific problems, enabling students to learn, through individual study too and to update their competences, both autonomously and through specific teachings,
The objective is to enable undergraduates to enter the labour market with the autonomous capability of changing and adapting to various functions (technician releasing authorizations and the like in public agencies and administrations, yard technicians, planning support, etc…) without being limited in closed areas by an excessively sectorial training.
The course will provide basic knowledge with respect to:
-The principles, methods and tools for modelling and calculation of structures, as well as the criteria for the design of structural elements and structures of medium complexity in reinforced concrete and steel by means of recurrent patterns.
- The principles, methodologies and tools for the calculation of the design variables and the design of hydraulic structures of medium complexity in urban and suburban areas, through the application of recurring and consolidated computational methods.
- The criteria and methods for geometric design of road infrastructures and their safety, management and construction, as well as the basics for the design of the relevant structural elements (retaining walls, paving, etc. . ) and for the choice of building materials .
- The engineering of transport systems (urban collective, railroad, individual road), with respect to the analysis of transport demand and supply.
- Survey Engineering and the criteria, problems and methodologies for the survey, control, monitoring and representation of structures and land, as well as the basic methods for data processing with respect to the system and the realization of topographic surveys of medium complexity at different scales and extension.
- The principles of the physical and mechanical characterization of land and the main experimental methods for the identification of the relevant parameters.
- The methods for carrying out experimental tests of medium difficulty and interpreting data in various fields of Civil Engineering .
-The engineering of architectural design, with regard to technological, plant , structural, environmental, safety , operational and yard aspects;
- The engineering of the construction process, which, starting from the plan, continues with the procurement, construction, testing, operation, maintenance, recovery.
The course is structured as follows:
- The first year provides the basic knowledge for achieving a scientific language in mathematics, chemistry, physics and representation, preparatory for further studies, and also the testing of at least one foreign language ;
- During the second year students will study some disciplines in the fields of mathematics and physics as well as other disciplines of civil and construction engineering, which are useful for the scientific and technical training needed to interpret, describe and solve the typical issues of the educational programme. The second year also provides for related subjects.
- The third year provides for the typical applied knowledge of the class L -7 and Class L -23, through various class-specific teachings aiming at the achievement of the above mentioned specific objectives.
The educational methods and teaching tools with which the expected learning outcomes are achieved are the following: lectures and classroom exercises, laboratory activities, technical visits, internships at companies, government agencies, professional firms and engineering companies, seminars, participation in Conferences.
The programme is completed by elective courses (at least 12 credits), other activities, aiming at the access in the labour market (at least 3 credits) and the final examination (at least 3 credits) in order to verify the achievement of learning outcomes as well as students’ independence of judgment and communication skills.
Making judgments:
Undergraduates are driven, through the training, to formulate and develop autonomous and original thoughts and reflections, starting from the development of acquired concepts as well as by appropriate selection of useful data to find engineering solutions to the problems. They must in particular know how to pronounce on the performance of buildings and infrastructure works, in relation to the various phases (planning, design, execution, management) and regulatory requirements; knowing how to critically evaluate the effects of weathering, external actions, catastrophic events in order to verify the design results in terms of safety, comfort, usability, etc .; knowing how to develop a conscious and proactive approach in dealing with the professional safety issues.
The assessment of the acquired judgment skills is not only carried out through the evaluation of the maturity shown during the exam, but also pondering the attitude of the student during activities that enable a more direct teacher/student interaction, such as seminars, Collegiate revisions of individual works, internship experiences. In this sense, a privileged role is given to the preparation of the final dissertation, in which students may better provide their individual contribution.
Communication skills:
Undergraduates have a rigorous knowledge of the general and sector-specific technical language, , and excellent communication skills (achieved through group activities in project experiences or laboratory conducted during the studies), to enable them to communicate competently clearly and effectively, both in purely technical contexts (professional offices, construction site, etc.) and in those of a different nature (public administration, public bodies, professional services, etc.) in which they are called to carry out their professional activity.
Written and oral communication skills are particularly developed and assessed during seminars, tutorials and, in general, through the learning activities which require the preparation of reports and documents and the oral presentation and at the end of the course, through the drafting of the final paper and multimedia presentation and the related discussion.
Learning skills:
Undergraduates, having acquired during the three years a methodology of study rooted on scientific and technical rigor of the disciplines addressed, will be able to improve their skills and to update their knowledge, independently through self-study, as well as through the choice of additional education (university master course, life-long education, etc.).
The acquired learning skills enable undergraduates to continue their learning throughout their working lives in order to achieve the deepening of specific themes of Civil/Construction Engineering, as well as a continuous updating with respect to technological innovation through the consultation of technical tests and specialised press, regulatory technical and procedural updates, participation in trade fairs and conferences.
All academic activities contribute, in varying degrees, to the achievement of learning skills; within the educational activities an important role is played both by hours of individual study with regard to the intrinsic acquisition of such skills, and by the activities involving interactions (between student and teacher, the students among themselves, between students and outside experts) in relation to their correct manifestation.
Learning skills are acquired throughout the course as a whole, in particular through self-study, the preparation of individual projects and through the activities carried out in preparation for the final examination. The achievement of learning skills is primarily assessed through of the tests provided in individual courses and through the final test.
Civil and Construction Engineer
Undergraduates in Civil and Construction Engineering may have the following roles:
1) Civil Construction Technician, carrying out activities based on the application of science, aiming at providing support and collaboration to:
- The design, supervision of works, estimation and testing of public works;
- Accounting activities related to simple civil construction, through the use of standardized methodologies;
- Various kinds of direct , instrumental and geometric surveys.
To obtain the degree, students must have acquired 180 credits, including the credits related to the final examination.
The final examination aims at ascertaining the maturity level and the critical skills of undergraduates, with respect to the acquired competences, as a completion of the activities provided by the degree course.
The final examination consists of an oral exam, in accordance with the provision of the Course regulations for each academic year, and with the timing, the ministerial prescription and the relevant University guidelines.
Edile L7 - Details of the Degree Course