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39° Cycle (II year) and 40° Cycle (I year) courses - A.Y. 2024-25

COURSE TITLETeacherUniversityNo. Of hoursYear of the coursePeriod of conductionMethod of delivery (in person / remotely)Sede
Practices, Methods, Tools, Theories for teaching literature Prof.ssa Ambra Carta UNIPA 20 II 12-14/5 - 19-22/5 In person TBA
Research methods and techniques in physics and scientific disciplineseducation Prof. Claudio Fazio UNIPA 20 II 03/02/2025 - 31/03/2025 In person or online Room PT095, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Viale delle Scienze, edificio 18, Palermo and Microsoft Teams
Research methods in mathematics education Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Spreafico UNIMI 20 II 09/06/2025 - 13/06/2025 In person Aula PT095, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Viale delle Scienze, edificio 18, Palermo
Methodology and research of Italian language education Prof.ssa Luisa Amenta UNIPA 20 II      
The scientific method at work: examples of chemistry teaching Prof.ssa Antonella Maria Maggio UNIPA 20 II 03/06/2025-10/06/2025    
Group dynamics and classroom climate management Prof.ssa Cinzia Novara UNIPA 20 I 21-22/02/2025 In person  
Design of university teaching activities and employability Prof. Francesco Pace UNIPA 20 II      
Laboratory didactics and communication methods Prof.ssa Elena Mignosi UNIPA 20 I      
Research in Physics Education Prof. Lorenzo Galante POLITO 20 II      
Innovation Management Prof. Francesca Montagna POLITO 10 I      
Computing and simulation environments for experimental research Proff. Fulvio Corno, Gianpiero Cabodi POLITO 30 I o II anno      
Premises, perspectives and systems in the research of the didactics of the Italian language Prof.ssa Gabriella Macciocca UNICA 20 II 3-7/03/2025 In person  
Promotion of psychological well-being and inclusive processes in the school/university environment Prof.sse Cristina Sechi e Donatella Rita Petretto UNICA 20 I maggio 2025 In person or online Microsoft Teams and room Facoltà Studi Umanistici, via Is Mirrionis 1, 09127 Cagliari
Learning analytics: foundations and innovations Prof.ssa Laura Farinetti, Dr. Lorenzo Canale POLITO, Centro Ricerche RAI – Torino 20 II      
Research methods and data analysis Proff. Sonia Ingoglia e Anna Maria Parroco UNIPA 20 I      
Structure Prediction Prof. Jörg Grunenberg TU Braunschweig 20 II      
Introduction to scientific machine learning Prof. Luca Magri POLITO 20 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
Data mining concepts and algorithms Prof.ssa Eliana Pastor POLITO 20 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
Information visualization and visual analytics Prof. Filippo Gabriele Pratticò POLITO 20 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
Empirical research methods Prof. Luca Ardito POLITO 20 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
How is a research project designed? Prof.ssa Elena Vigliocco POLITO 20 I      
Natural language processing based on deep learning Prof. Luca Cagliero POLITO 15 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
Research design and methodology Prof. Federico Bella POLITO 11 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
Human-AI interaction Prof. Luigi De Russis POLITO 20 I o II anno (only 40° Cycle)      
Introduction to neural networks and deep learning Prof. Vincenzo Randazzo POLITO 20 I or II year      

COURSES of the 38th Cycle (2nd year) and 39th Cycle (1st year) - A.Y. 2023-24

COURSE TITLETEACHERNo. of hoursYear of the coursePeriod of conductionMethod of delivery (in person / remotely)

Practices, Methods, Tools, Theories for teaching literature

(Pratiche, Metodi, Strumenti, Teorie per insegnare la letteratura)

Prof.ssa Ambra Carta



5/02 to 9/02 9:00 - 12:00

In person, Aula Consiglio (first floor) Edificio 12 , Viale delle Scienze.

Remotely, MS TEAMS MS Teams link

Research methods and techniques in physics and scientific disciplineseducation

(Metodi e tecniche di ricerca in didattica della fisica e delle discipline scientifiche)

Prof. Claudio Fazio



29/01, 15:00 – 19:00 
30/01, 9:00 - 13:00
31/01, 9:00 - 13:00
1/02, 9:00 - 13:00
2/02, 9:00 - 13:00

In person, Room PT095, Edificio 18, Viale delle Scienze.

Remotely, MS TEAMS, code 1c0zmfq, link TEAMS

Research methods in mathematicseducation

(Metodi di ricerca in didattica della matematica)

Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Spreafico



13-17 May 2024

In presence (UniPA)

Methodology and research of Italian language education

(Metodologia e ricerca della didattica della lingua italiana)

Prof.ssa Luisa Amenta



17 – 21 June 2024

In presence (UniPA)

Methods and tools for chemistry education

(Metodi e strumenti per la formazione in didattica della chimica)

Prof.ssa Antonella Maria Maggio



3 - 7 June 2024

In presence (UniPA)

Group dynamics and classroom climatemanagement

(Dinamiche di gruppo e gestione del clima d'aula)

Prof.ssa Cinzia Novara



21 - 22 February 2024,
from 9:00 to 19:00

In person, Laboratorio di Osservazione Gruppi, 6th Floor Edificio 15, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo

Planning of university teaching activities and employability

(Progettazione delle attività didattiche universitarie ed employability)

Prof. Francesco Pace



10 – 14 June 2024

In presence (UniPA) and remotely

Laboratory teaching and communication methods(Didattica laboratoriale e modalità comunicative)

Prof.ssa Elena Mignosi



 8 – 11 July 2024

In presence (UniPA)

Research in physicseducation

(Ricerca in didattica della Fisica)

Prof. Lorenzo Galante



To be determined


Teaching for Sustainable Development objectives (Didattica per gli obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile)

Docenti vari



To be determined

on-line, select from

Innovation Management

prof. Francesca Montagna



To be determined


Computing and simulation environments for experimental research(Ambienti di calcolo e simulazione per la ricerca sperimentale)

Fulvio Corno, Gianpiero Cabodi


I o II anno

Monday 29/04 h 10:00-12:00
Monday 06/05 h 10:00-12:00
Monday 20/05 h 10:00-12:00
Monday 27/05 h 10:00-12:00
Monday 03/06 h 10:00-12:00
Monday 10/06 h 10:00-12:00

Zoom link

More detail: link

Premises, perspectives and systems in the research in Italian language education (Premesse, prospettive e sistemi nella ricerca della didattica della lingua italiana)

Prof.ssa Gabriella Macciocca



20 - 24 May 2024

in presence, Great Hall "G. Motzo", UniCA

Promotion of psychological well-being and inclusive processes in school/university settings (Promozione del benessere psicologico e di processi inclusivi in ambito scolastico/universitario)

Prof.sse Cristina Sechi e Donatella Rita Petretto



12 Feb. 2024, Prof. Sechi, 9:00-13:00

13 Feb. Prof. Sechi, 9:00-13:00

14 Feb. Prof. Sechi,  9:00-11:00. Prof. Petretto, 11:00-13:00

15 Feb. Prof. Petretto,  9:00-13:00

16 Feb.  Prof. Petretto,  9:00-13:00

Remotely,  MS Teams Link

Learning analytics: foundations and innovations

(Learning analytics: fondamenti e innovazioni)

•    Laura Farinetti, Department of Automatics and Computer Science – Politecnico di Torino
•    Lorenzo Canale, RAI Research Center – Torino



10 - 19 April 2024

•    Wednesday 10th April 9.00-12.00 (3 hours, online) – L. Farinetti
•    Thursday 11th April 9.00-13.00 (4 ore, online) – L. Farinetti
•    Friday 12 April 14.00-17.00 (3 ore, online) – L. Canale
•    Monday 15 April 9.00-12.00 (3 ore, online) – L. Farinetti
•    Thursday 18 April 9.00-12.00 (3 ore, in person, UniPA) – L. Farinetti
•    Friday19 April 9.00-13.00 (4 ore, in person, UniPA) – L. Farinetti


Structure Prediction

Prof. Jörg Grunenberg


II (starting from 39° Cycle)

II year of 39° Cycle (2025)