Road Infrastructures Section
The Research Area “Transportation Infrastructures” is devoted to scientific and academic topics related to the transportation infrastructures, as well as to economic evaluation of real estate assets. It is divided into two research Group: the Infrastructure Groups – connected to SSD ICAR/04, focused on the design, construction, management and maintenance of structures for transportation infrastructures,such as pavements for roads, airports and industrial sites, rail structures for railways and tramways, and other related structures - and the Appraisal Groups, connected to SSD ICAR/22 “Evaluation and Appraisal”.
For the purpose of experimental characterization and advanced technological research, the Infrastructure Group also makes use of the advanced research facilities of the Laboratory of Roads, Railways and Airport which is an Official State Laboratory according to law n. 1086/1971. The Laboratory - fully equipped for ordinary and advanced testing on bitumen, aggregate, bituminous mixtures and emulsions, soils, road markers paints, traffic surveys etc -offers testing servicesto the public and private sectors
The other Research Group is interested in the valuation of real estate assets and related securities market operations, the accounting statements and investment choices, as well as for the valuation of real estate interest, remunerations, contracts law and rates, and for the formulation of judgments of economic gains. One section deals with administrative, cadastral and tax valuations. The disciplinary interests extend to the economic and financial feasibility of projects and plans considered at different scales, and the valuation of their effects on natural and territorial, historical-architectural and landscape goods, market and extra-market resources, through monetary, quantitative and qualitative approaches. By clicking on the name of each research group below it is possible to explore the contents.
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