Progetti BIP

Interactive learning environments to enhance the role of human resource management practices for improving organizational performance
The training course is titled "Interactive Learning Environments to enhance the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices for improving organizational performance" and it focuses on how to best use some HRM practices to increase organizational performance, including - for example - management by objectives and corporate training. The training activities are structured in two distinct segments:
- In-person training (20 hours). This teaching activity will take place at the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche (Spain) from 22 to 26 May 2023.
- Remote training (43 hours). This teaching activity will take place from 29 May to 10 August 2023.
Upon completion of the in-person training, the students will be able to use the ILE independently to reinforce their understanding of the role played by HRM practices in achieving organizational performance goals.
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Migration in the digital era: challenging theory, methods and practice
The 2024 Migration Studies Blended Intensive Programme (MiS-BIP) provides an intensive program that enhances the research exchanges among the group of universities participating. It aims at bringing together researchers who are working on migration-related issues from different disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It aims at encouraging dialogue around migration transformations and its relation to digital technologies. New data sources and methodologies, empirical findings, practical and theoretical challenges, among others, are topics addressed in this edition. The summer school challenges the traditional approaches to migration policy and integration, not only theoretically but also at methodological level and everyday practice. It therefore invites researchers to submit contributions focusing on (but not exclusively) the themes listed below:
- New data sources for studying internal and international migration
- Socio-economic and environmental drivers of migration
- Analysing incorporation and segregation of migrants’ communities
- Modelling patterns of mobility
- Use of AI methods for analysing migration
- Evaluation of migration and development policies
- (Re)shaping research paradigms and methodologies in migration studies
Considering the different topics that the Ph.D. students are developing in their studies, the common concern on methodologies, categories and approaches of analysis will be the main instrumental focus. Therefore, it will be required that students work in teams and prepare presentations to debate on.
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