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Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali

Interruption "face-to-face" internships

Nov 2, 2020

We inform our students that, following the Rector’s Decree (30th October 2020), starting from the date of publication of the metioned Decree, all "face-to-face" traineeship activities will be suspended.
The internship can be only carried out remotely, in "smart-working".
Therefore, all students who are already carrying out or should have started their curricular internship "in presence" are invited to send this information to their company tutor (via email or other electronic tools) and request the modification of their internship from "in presence" to "smart-working" mode.
More specifically, students need to ask to the company tutors to fill out and sign the certificate "Attestazione avvio e/o svolgimento tirocinio in modalità smart-working" and attach it to the Almalaurea platform. Students whose host companies will accept this modification, must specify in their attendance register - in each line that describes the date and activity carried out - that the activity has been implemented in "smart-working" mode.
Students whose host companies do not accept this change, have to close or suspend their traineeship and will be informed soon about the initiatives that the Department will take in order to protect their right to study.