Via Maqueda, 324
90134 PALERMO (PA)
dipartimento.dems(at)cert.unipa.it (Certified e-mail)
Online Classess
Students who will follow the lessons on-line are requested to enroll, through the student portal, to the courses they intend to follow in
order to get the codes by e-mail, to be used to follow the lessons.
In order to allow faster access to information, here you can find the codes for the access to the lesson teams.
Guidelines for the enrollment of non-EU foreign students and for identification through the Microsoft Teams Portal
Notice for students’ traineeship procedure-closure of university structures
Dec 6, 2021
Front desk and communications for L-36 and LM-52 study courses
Aug 30, 2021
Notice of uploading and validation of degree thesis- October 2021
Aug 2, 2021
DEMS graduands of the fall session (October 2021) are informed that thesis must be uploaded, by accessing their student portal, by September 15th 2021. Supervisors can validate thesis by September 17th 2021.
Placement notice
Jun 17, 2021
Suspension of teaching activities - Online Welcome Day Master's Degrees 2021/2022
May 20, 2021
Notice of uploading and validation of degree thesis- July session 2020-21
May 6, 2021
Blended Lessons L-16 and L-36
Apr 28, 2021
Notice of uploading and validation of degree thesis-extraordinary session June 2019-20
Apr 21, 2021
Path of Excellence in International Studies
Apr 12, 2021
The faculty of the Master Degree in International Relations is pleased to launch the V edition of the Path of Excellence in International Studies
2021 Workshop MA of International Relations, International Studies Workshop (15 hours - 3 ECTS)
Apr 12, 2021
We are pleased to invite you to 2021 Workshop. The cycle of seminars will consist of five rounds of interactive lectures (April and May 2021) on Elements of International Law and on Data Analysis for International Relations.
Teaching and training activities’ interruption - COVID-19 emergency
Apr 8, 2021
Exams and degrees will take place in remote mode as well, including written exams.
This notice is valid from today until April 14, 2021 (except the possible extension of this deadline)
Rector's circular Prot. 36732 07/04/2021
Extension A.Y. 2019-2020
Mar 25, 2021
On Thursday 18th March 2021, the Academic Senate approved the inclusion of an additional extraordinary graduation session (a.y. 2019-20) to the academic calendar.
Delibera SA
Graduation calendar - extraordinary session June a.y. 2019-20
May 21, 2021
Graduation exams will ordinarily take place in presence, in compliance with the University’s safety protocols.
In case of valuable reasons related to the covid-19 emergency situation, one or more candidates can request to attend the exam by remote.
In order to avoid any assemblages, the candidate and accompanying persons must arrive at the exam venue 15 minutes before the scheduled time and must leave the office immediately after the end of the exam.
Celebrations or any forms of assemblage within the University areas, including open spaces, are absolutely forbidden.
The candidate can be accompanied by a maximum of 5 persons. The candidate and accompanying persons must wear a surgical or community mask for the entire stay at the University premises.
Candidates and accompanying persons must respect the distance of at least 1 meter (including the movement space) between themselves and the commission or any other staff members.
At the entrance of the classroom, candidates and accompanying persons must deliver the self-declaration form to the staff, printed, dated and signed, together with a copy of their identification document.
List of students admitted to the Master of Arts in International Relations LM52 - PATH OF EXCELENCE 2021
Feb 19, 2021
Path of Excellence in International Studies
Feb 8, 2021
The faculty of the Master Degree in International Relations is pleased to launch the V edition of the Path of Excellence in International Studies
Path of Excellence in International Trade
Feb 8, 2021
The faculty of the Master Degree in International Relations is pleased to launch the V edition of the Path of Excellence in International Trade
Expression of interest for students of the 1st year of the Master degree in International Relations LM 52: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION- “DOUBLE DEGREE and PIS” PROGRAM A.Y. 2020 / 2021– second semester
Feb 5, 2021
- Maximum number of students accepted to the mobility: 4 (four);
- Candidates must fill in the Application form
- The evaluation of applications and selection of candidates will be held online (TEAMS) on 19th February 2021 and will be mainly based on motivation, academic career, bachelor's degree grade and English proficiency level.
Coordinator: prof. Salvatore Casabona
Info: Gioacchina Randazzo tel.091/23893648, programmi.internazionali@unipa.it
Call for participation
Annex A
Annex B
Deadline extension for the extraordinary graduation session 2019.2020
Feb 3, 2021
Safe Food Advocacy Europe - EU affairs & Communication Intern
Feb 1, 2021
SAFE strengthens the voice of European consumers in civil society and contributes to the reinforcement of participatory democracy in Europe.
Please, visit our website: www.safefoodadvocacy.eu
We are opening an “EU affairs & communication” position to support SAFE's activities, starting in March 2021.
Read more
Democracy and European Citizenship
Jan 12, 2021
2021 Workshop MA of International Relations, International Studies Workshop (15 hours - 3 ECTS)
Apr 12, 2021
We are pleased to invite you to 2021 Workshop. The cycle of seminars will consist of five rounds of interactive lectures (April and May 2021) on Elements of International Law and on Data Analysis for International Relations.
Path of Excellence in International Trade
Dec 22, 2020
The path of excellence will be held from March until the beginning of June 2021. The amount of absences envisaged cannot exceed the 10% of the entire course.
The number of admissible participants is limited, interested students are invited to apply for the selection, by filling out the following link, by next January 20, 2021: bit.ly/pathofexcellence2021.
The calendar will be shortly available on all channels of the DEMS Department.
Change in the method of sending the exercises of the "DECISION MAKING" Courses
Dec 11, 2020
- "DECISION MAKING" COURSE as a substitute activity for the internship (4-12 CFU)
- "DECISION MAKING" COURSE as a training activity in area F (reserved for students of the LM-63 / Public Management curriculum) (4-6 CFU)
must be sent exclusively through a "google forms" within 1 week from the date of the final test. The exercises sent by email to the members of the Examination Commission will not be taken into consideration.
The address of the "google form" to be used for sending the exercises - for each of the 2 courses indicated above - is indicated on the page that describes the program of the Course attended by the student.
Notice for students’ traineeship procedure-closure of university structures
Nov 25, 2020
Suspension of departmental didactic activities in presence
Nov 11, 2020
Notice of expression of interest for students enrolled in the first year of the master's degree course in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - LM 52
Nov 9, 2020
International Mobility Agreement Extra-EU Vietnam (PIS)
- The maximum number of students admitted to the mobility is 5 (five)
- Applicants must complete the online application form by November 22th, 2020 at 11.59 pm
- Evaluation of the applications and selection of the candidates will take place online (TEAMS) on November 26th, 2020 at 5:00 pm - TEAMS code (901yyna) and will be based on motivation, academic career, bachelor's degree grade and level of knowledge of English.
Interruption "face-to-face" internships
Nov 2, 2020
The internship can be only carried out remotely, in "smart-working".
Therefore, all students who are already carrying out or should have started their curricular internship "in presence" are invited to send this information to their company tutor (via email or other electronic tools) and request the modification of their internship from "in presence" to "smart-working" mode.
More specifically, students need to ask to the company tutors to fill out and sign the certificate "Attestazione avvio e/o svolgimento tirocinio in modalità smart-working" and attach it to the Almalaurea platform. Students whose host companies will accept this modification, must specify in their attendance register - in each line that describes the date and activity carried out - that the activity has been implemented in "smart-working" mode.
Students whose host companies do not accept this change, have to close or suspend their traineeship and will be informed soon about the initiatives that the Department will take in order to protect their right to study.
Oct 27, 2020
Communication for students from the "International trade law" course
Oct 22, 2020