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Corso di Laurea Magistrale EMSD in lingua inglese


EMSD locandinaOpportunità di formazione internazionale su metodologie professionalmente avanzate:

Doppio titolo tra:

-       Università di Palermo (Corso di laurea magistrale in scienze delle Amministrazioni e delle Organizzazioni Complesse – Curriculum Sustainability Management and Governance)

-       Università di Bergen (Norvegia)

-       Università Radboud di Nijmegen (Olanda)

Tutte le info 

The Master of Science in Complex Administrations and Organizations Science (LM-63) Curriculum: Public Management celebrates its first round of double-degree graduates with Corvinus University of Budapest



With the graduation sessions of July and October 2020, at the Department of Political Science and International Relations (DEMS), the students enrolled in the Master program in Public Management got the Master degree from both the University of Palermo and the Corvinus University of Budapest. Graduates have shown proficiency in their studies and provided remarkable efforts in their thesis projects, including: 1) Performance Management and Governance of Tourism Destination; 2) Legal Strategies against Corruption in Italy; 3) Digitalization in Healthcare System Performance; 4) Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Recruiting Practices; 5) Terrorism Risk Management; and 6) Human Resource Management in Sport Organizations; 7) European Structural and Investment Funds. The master program, completely taught in English – and in collaboration with the Universities of Budapest (CORVINUS) and Hanoi (HANU) – celebrates its graduated students. (whatch the video)

More information concerning the program can be found at the Department website

Master program in Public Management


The Master in “Sustainability Management and Governance” adopts an interdisciplinary approach that allows students to learn how Dynamic Performance Management & Governance can support collaborative governance, to manage ‘wicked’ social issues, so to pursue community resilience and sustainable outcomes. “Wicked” social problems characterize most of governmental planning, with a specific concern with social issues.

They cannot be clustered within the boundaries of a single organization, or referred to specific administrative levels or ministerial areas. They are characterized by dynamic complexity, involving multi-level, multi-actor and multi-sectoral challenges.