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Culture e Società

European Researchers' Night | Sharper Palermo 2019

Sep 25, 2019


The yearly public event that brings researchers closer to the people, is back. The happening highlights the variety of research and its impact on our daily lives, and promote how researchers contribute to our society by displaying their work, with the aim to change cities into a lab animated by citizens and researchers exploring the world together.

Sharper 2019 will take simultaneously place in 12 Italian cities. In each of them a large network of partners develops a rich program of events, held in different places, streets, and squares, as well as in the laboratories where researchers work daily.

UniPa hosts this edition in the setting of Steri’s Monumental Complex (Courtyard, Audit Room, Church of S. Antonio Abate, Hall of Arms, and the Buvette of Neoclassical Building). Other activities will take place at the University Campus in the Historical Museum of Engines and Mechanisms, and off Campus, at Doderlein Museum of Zoology and Cre.Zi.Plus place at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa. The program proposes around 70 demonstration and interactive activities, exhibitions, shows, seminars, talks, concerts, with the involvement of about 200 researchers.

Researchers of the Department presents the following activities:

• Monitoring Sharper
   Survey on the progress of the event, with monitoring technologies' support and counting of the participant's flow
   by Mauro Ferrante, Stefano de Cantis and teamwork of UniPa students
   Steri | Hall of Arms | piazza Marina 61

• The Researchers' storytelling
   Steri | Church of S. Antonio Abate | piazza Marina 61

   - Inquisitors searching for an author. Religion, politics, and culture in modern Sicily
     by Nicola Cusumano, Fabrizio D'Avenia, Daniele Palermo
     20:30 to 21:15

   - Grand Tour and the Baroque Palermo. A multimedia pathway
     by Sergio Intorre
     21:15 to 21:30

Full program >
Sharper night Palermo website >

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