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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Come accedere all'area di lavoro (workplace) (100%)

    13-feb-2017 10.11.51

    Come accedere all'area di lavoro (workplace) portale, tutorial, articoli, workplace, back office Per accedere all'area di lavoro (workplace): accedere con le proprie credenziali alla Intranet Unipa cliccare su "PORTALE DI ATENEO" l'indirizzo mostrato sul browser riporterà e verrà visualizzata la propria pagina personale in più viene visualizzato il menu "STRUMENTI" ed il bottone (bersaglio) come mostrato in Figura 1. Dal menu "STRUMENTI"

  • 2. Guidelines biological risk incident at workplace (50%)

    28-feb-2024 17.59.53

    GUIDELINES (for Nursing School Students) Diagnostic and therapeutic pathway following an accident in the workplace with biological risk Operational instructions: After an incident in the workplace with biological risk in case of contact with blood and/or other biological materials potentially infected by HIV, HCV and/or HBV or lesion/cutting/puncture with contaminated instruments ... therapeutic procedure for incidents in the workplace (protocol n. 2356 of 18 February 2011 of AOU

  • 3. Avviso ripresa lezioni - secondo semestre a.a. 2013/2014 (31%)

    22-set-2014 11.47.51

    Avviso ripresa lezioni - secondo semestre a.a. 2013/2014 lezioni, corso, Diritto processuale civile, Cattedra L-Z, procedura civile, salvatore ziino, giurisprudenza Le lezioni del corso di Diritto processuale civile, Cattedra L-Z, riprenderanno il giorno lunedì 10 marzo 2014 alle ore 13,00 in aula Santi Romano. Durante il secondo semestre le lezioni avranno il seguente orario: - Lunedì ore 13,00-15,00, aula Santi

  • 5. Programma_Scientifico_Prof. Emanuele Cannizzaro (25%)

    15-giu-2022 13.18.50

    Dipartimento PROMISE Workplace injuries G. Spatari | Presidente Società Italiana SIMLA ... di lavoro Traumatology in the workplace 12.00 La traumatologia nei nuovi cicli produttivi e Moderatori: A. Argo ... distribution sector Workplace accidents: focus on risks of falls from E. Ramistella height and good ... of inspection services in the event of an accident 17.30 Discussione at workplace E. Costagliola 17.45 ... on wokers' health at workplace 16.00 Co ee break A. Omrane VIII SESSIONE Assessment of Comfort

  • 6. medicina_e_chirurgiaINGLESElight (19%)

    11-giu-2015 13.40.24

    - Healthcare assistance - Prevention techniques for the environment and workplace Integrated master degrees ... to become a ionizing radiation, ultrasound, workplace), or people (schools, The degree o ers a quali ... . Midwifery, Physiotherapy, in fact, are expected from the the School of Medicine. The and workplace

  • 7. medicina_e_chirurgiaINGLESElight (19%)

    22-giu-2015 15.27.54

    assistance - Prevention techniques for the environment and workplace Integrated master degrees (6 years ... a ionizing radiation, ultrasound, workplace), or people (schools, The degree o ers a quali cation ... . Midwifery, Physiotherapy, in fact, are expected from the the School of Medicine. The and workplace” and

  • 8. Framework_EN (18%)

    8-mar-2013 21.55.16


    15-nov-2016 15.08.03

    in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace in one of the consortium countries. Traineeships abroad at a workplace are also supported during short cycle, first, second, third cycle studies ... in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace. Eligible Activities § a combination of both. Staff

  • 10. Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia (16%)

    8-lug-2019 10.35.50

    (protection of water, air, soil, food, control of production activities and safety in the workplace), or to people (schools, families, workers, communities). Degrees in Environmental and Workplace

  • 11. Presentation (16%)

    8-lug-2019 10.35.15

    (protection of water, air, soil, food, control of production activities and safety in the workplace), or to people (schools, families, workers, communities). Degrees in Environmental and Workplace

  • 12. Psicologia sociale, del lavoro e delle organizzazioni (16%)

    3-lug-2015 13.58.48

    Cambiamento:Contributo di ricerca. 0619058 Xerra Laura Ceresia Francesco RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKPLACE Di Stefano Giovanni ATTACHMENT, WORKPLACE WELLNESS AND BURNOUT 0606064 Camarda Davide Boca Stefano Job Crafting

  • 13. LM51_slo_modelli_tec_valut_sv_risorse_umane_2014_15_FRANCESCO_CERESIA (16%)

    27-giu-2014 12.40.08

    development in the workplace. Besides, students develop insight SD models and Interactive learning ... understanding of human behavior that is concerned with various aspects of people in the workplace

  • 14. Prof. Giovanni Di Stefano (16%)

    23-mar-2023 12.27.30

    with- the workplace; experiential training groups; reflective function in the workplace; organizational

  • 15. Places (16%)

    19-feb-2024 8.32.57

    having a valid certification of a workplace safety course done at your university. (it is also possible ... of Palermo on your learning agreement. We suggest you to send the certification of a workplace safety course

  • 16. hrs4_unipa_visit_21_5_23_welcome_brochure web (16%)

    8-mag-2023 8.51.56

    Working Group Members (1) Pro-Rectors: Pro-Rector for Liveability and Workplace Wellness, Prof. Ada ... Florena Full professor Pro-Rector for Liveability and Workplace Wellness Department of Health

  • 17. prot. 6121 piano formazione 2022_allegato 2 analisi bisogni formativi (1) (16%)

    20-gen-2022 12.34.00

    informatiche (Microsoft, Google Informatica 66 Suite, Teams, VoIP, VPN) Digital workplace: l'ambiente ... , VoIP, VPN) Digital workplace: l'ambiente di lavoro in una P.A. digitalizzalmente trasformata 65

  • 18. prot. 140914 allegato_5_ relazione bisogni formativi 2023 (16%)

    21-dic-2022 10.16.57

    SULLA AZIONE AMMINISTRATIVA E LA Giuridico-normativa 55 REDAZIONE DEL PROVVEDIMENTO Digital workplace ... /approfondimenti 80 Digital workplace: l'ambiente di lavoro in una P.A. digitalmente trasformata 51

  • 19. analisi_indagine bisogni formativi 2021_da pubblicare (16%)

    9-dic-2021 10.12.41

    informatiche (Microsoft, Google Informatica 66 Suite, Teams, VoIP, VPN) Digital workplace ... ) Digital workplace: l'ambiente di lavoro in una P.A. digitalizzalmente trasformata 65 Progettazione

  • 20. Prof. Giovanni Di Stefano (16%)

    23-mar-2023 12.27.30

    with- the workplace; experiential training groups; reflective function in the workplace; organizational