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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. DMD Solutions Work Placements (100%)

    8-apr-2021 10.04.46

    DMD Solutions Work Placements articolo, notizia, unipa, work placement, tirocinio Si allega un documento con informazioni inerenti l'Opportunità di Tirocinio presso la DMD Solutions. Si segnala inoltre che tutte le attività potranno essere svolte online. Cliccare qui. MARCO GRIFO' /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 2. (73%)

    25-set-2023 15.07.05

    about the work placement and the participant’s personal details. The participant will need to use this number ... per week). • Main work placement address needs to be completed in full including the host company ... of the participant at the work placement. This must be the job title detailed in the invitation letter ... at the work placement. • Project Reference Number (as per the Grant Agreement) This is the contract ... -012345. • Is the work placement supernumerary? This placement must not be part of normal staffing

  • 3. 2 Temporary Worker (GAE) HE Guidance for Coordinators v5.3 (73%)

    30-mar-2022 10.10.27

    about the work placement and the participant’s personal details. The participant will need to use this number ... per week). • Main work placement address needs to be completed in full including the host company ... of the participant at the work placement. This must be the job title detailed in the invitation letter ... at the work placement. • Project Reference Number (as per the Grant Agreement) This is the contract ... -012345. • Is the work placement supernumerary? This placement must not be part of normal staffing

  • 4. Regno Unito (61%)

    8-mar-2013 17.21.16

    I BRSH Fdi o o o t COUNCiL irning Progrmnie Erasmus Student Work Placement in the UK EMPLOYER ... return this form by email to BRSH it nd i) *COUNCL ‘1 ari m ‘ro nrnrne Erasmus Student Work Placement ... from their courses in a real work placement in a socially responsible business or charity ... Work Placement in the UK iMPLOYER INFORMATION Nane of organisation Bone WeIIs Urbecon Ltd Addost code ... : Li1CI L m Pr ,r r ne Erasmus Student Work Placement in the UK EMPLOYER INFORMA1ION Nr of organisation

  • 5. Galleria di articoli (47%)

    18-giu-2014 17.32.16

    -month Erasmus work placement is a valuable professional and personal experience for me. My main ... experience and I would definitely suggest for other students to apply for Erasmus work placement ... to Palermo University as part of an Erasmus funded work placement looking for laboratory experience

  • 6. Incoming Student (47%)

    3-feb-2017 16.59.00

    . This 5-month Erasmus work placement is a valuable professional and personal experience for me. My main ... experience and I would definitely suggest for other students to apply for Erasmus work placement ... as part of an Erasmus funded work placement looking for laboratory experience in a new learning


    15-nov-2016 15.08.03

    to the topic or thematic area addressed by the project. a traineeship (work placement) abroad ... : § a study period abroad at a partner HEI; or § a traineeship (work placement) abroad


    15-nov-2016 15.04.04

    supports the professional development of VET staff in the form of a work placement or a job shadowing

  • 9. Cipro (27%)

    8-mar-2013 17.21.10

    ;At Erasmus Student Work Placement Name of Company: AMATHOS INVESTMENTS LTD EMPLOYER INFORMATION Name

  • 10. Malta (27%)

    8-mar-2013 17.21.15


  • 11. Polonia (27%)

    8-mar-2013 17.21.15

    Educaton and CuLtLre D(i L1teLong Lerning Programme Erasmus Student Work Placement in Poland EMPLOYER INFORMATION Name of employer or Affiliated Computer Services of Poland Sp. Z 0.0 organisation Address Krakow Business Park UI. Krakowska 280 32-080 Zabierzow Telephone +48 1239 70000 Fax +48123970007 E-mail Website Number of employees Too in Poland Short description of the Business Process OutsourcingdIT Services company Other CONTACT DETMLS

  • 12. Turchia (27%)

    8-mar-2013 17.21.18

    Erasmus Student Work Placement at the Kahramanmaras Sutcuimam University (Turkey) EMPLOYER INFORMATION ame of organization i Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University (KSU) Research and Development Center for University- ndustry-PubHc Reations (USKÌM) Àidress Inc post code amanmaras Sutcù Imarn University, Avsar Campus, Rectorate nternationaI Relations Office, 46100 Kahramanmaras Teephone +90 344 2191350, +90 3442191125, +90 344 2191441 Fax +903442191411 Ernai nt-re!aflons @ Website htt

  • 13. UNIPA Projects_final (27%)

    8-apr-2021 10.01.03

    with student academic calendar) and a 100% remote work placement (the project will be executed

  • 14. FLYER-YNAPGraduateProgrTECH_vEV (27%)

    12-gen-2017 11.57.21

    AND ENGLISH 12 MONTHS RECRUITING STEPS 12 MONTHS WORK PLACEMENT with a balanced mix of on the job

  • 15. Learning agreement (27%)

    8-mar-2013 21.19.49

    (Work placement) Compilare nella lingua del paese di destinazione crediti ECTS ECTS Credits

  • 16. llp_learning_agreement (27%)

    8-mar-2013 17.20.29

    (Work placement) Compilare nella lingua del paese di destinazione crediti ECTS ECTS Credits

  • 17. Incoming Students (27%)

    17-apr-2024 14.56.17

    , notizia, unipa This is the EU-promoted mobility programme enabling students to do a work placement

  • 18. 20110624-verbale (23%)

    8-mar-2013 16.59.41

    Laboratorio di Urbanistica Urbanistica II Stage Work placement La Giunta approva, a meno dello stage


    15-nov-2016 15.03.24

    Part B – Mobility for higher education students and staff MOBILITY PROJECT FOR HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS AND STAFF This mobility project can comprise one or more of the following activities: Student mobility: § a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI); § a traineeship (work placement) abroad20 in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace21. A study period abroad may include a traineeship period as well. Such a combination creates synergies


    15-nov-2016 15.04.26

    , part-time volunteering; a work placement in an enterprise; a paid job; a recreation or tourist