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  • 1. Home - Water&Energy (100%)

    5-apr-2016 13.15.04

    Home - Water&Energy seminar, water, dicam With great excitement we received lots of positive ... 7 The need of urban water cycle services adapting to future stresses calls for changes that take sustainability into account. Population growth, water scarcity, pollution and climate change pose urgent water challenges in cities. Water and energy are essential to humanity’s existence. These resources have influenced the structure of the societies over the centuries. In the modern society water and

  • 2. Home - Water&Energy (100%)

    6-apr-2016 15.24.18

    Home - Water&Energy Water&Energy, Home, DICAM New trends and research perspectives towards ... Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 The need of urban water cycle services adapting to future stresses calls for changes that take sustainability into account. Population growth, water scarcity, pollution and climate change pose urgent water challenges in cities. Water and energy ... over the centuries. In the modern society water and energy are strictly interdependent. Water is used

  • 3. Water Europe Innovation Award 2024: UniPa vince il primo premio con il dimostrativo sul riuso dell’acqua del progetto Wider-Uptake (78%)

    18-giu-2024 16.39.54

    Water Europe Innovation Award 2024: UniPa vince il primo premio con il dimostrativo sul riuso ... , wider uptake, Water Europe Innovation Award L’Università di Palermo ha ricevuto il premio “Water Europe Innovation Award 2024” nella categoria “Water Technology & Infrastructures” per l’elevato ... delle Scienze nell'ambito del progetto Europeo H2020 “Achieving Wider-Uptake of water smart ... di Ingegneria, ha ritirato il premio a Bruxelles nella sede di Water Europe nel corso del convegno

  • 4. REvivED water project - Novel electrodialysis applications for the worldwide provision of safe drinking water (74%)

    29-mar-2018 12.50.25

    REvivED water project - Novel electrodialysis applications for the worldwide provision of safe drinking water articolo, notizia, unipa, diid, project, REvivED water, electrodialysis, water REvivED water demonstrates the potential of electrodialysis for desalination applications, both as standalone systems and in combination with established desalination technologies. MORE INFO: GIUSEPPE CUFFARI REvivED water demonstrates the potential of electrodialysis

  • 5. Programma_HIC2018 (73%)

    28-giu-2018 11.10.32

    :00 Keynote lecture 4 - Ezio Todini "Revisiting water distribution modeling under an uncertainty ... , Rodney Using compensated fluorescence probes data for proactive water ✔ ✔ A3. Real time control ... Robustness of Extreme Learning Machine in Hydrological Time- ✔ S6. Model predictive control for water ... and Arnab Temporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model ✔ ✔ B2. Remote sensing for water resource management Bandyopadhyay using Remote Sensing and GIS 8 Kazuhiro Matsumoto and

  • 6. Water Reuse Europe Innovation Prize 2023: UniPa tra i finalisti con il dimostrativo del progetto Wider-Uptake (69%)

    1-dic-2023 12.27.03

    Water Reuse Europe Innovation Prize 2023: UniPa tra i finalisti con il dimostrativo del progetto ... , water reuse europe, wider uptake L'Università degli Studi di Palermo ha ricevuto il premio innovazione dell’associazione internazionale “Water Reuse Europe” per il dimostrativo sperimentale ... del progetto Europeo H2020 “Achieving Wider-Uptake of water smart solutions”. L’idea innovativa sul riuso dell’acqua “Boosting Water Reuse by the Demonstration Case Study of Water Resource Recovery

  • 7. La rivista Gas & Water Newsletter dedica un articolo alla Dott.ssa Laura Miceli (62%)

    29-giu-2018 14.50.24

    La rivista Gas & Water Newsletter dedica un articolo alla Dott.ssa Laura Miceli Gas & Water Newsletter, news, DICAM Gli allievi dei corsi di laurea del DICAM, Università di Palermo, sono ovunque apprezzati, come continuano a dimostrare esempi come quello che indichiamo. Dobbiamo batterci ... , un articolo sulla rivista Gas & Water Newsletter del 28 giugno 2018, dedicato alla Dott.ssa Laura Miceli ... Di seguito, un articolo sulla rivista Gas & Water Newsletter del 28 giugno 2018, dedicato alla Dott.ssa

  • 8. Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation (62%)

    9-dic-2015 9.00.45

    Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation Goffredo La Loggia, Master, Management of Water, Il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation, rivolto a 12 studenti provenienti dall'Etiopia e realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - DICAM - dell'Università di Palermo ... della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS), il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources

  • 9. new-page-00002 (61%)

    5-apr-2016 16.31.28

    Home - Water&Energy Water&Energy, Home, DICAM New trends and research perspectives towards ... Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 The need of urban water cycle services adapting to future stresses calls for changes that take sustainability into account. Population growth, water scarcity, pollution and climate change pose urgent water challenges in cities. Water and energy ... over the centuries. In the modern society water and energy are strictly interdependent. Water is used

  • 10. CV_Brunone (59%)

    10-apr-2020 9.22.45

    of the Water Engineering Laboratory (WEL) President of the Steering Committee of the Department of Excellence ... at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia (Brunone et al, 2008). At the 2016 H2O Water International Exhibition of Bologna (Italy), the PPWM received the ”sustainability award ... practitioners —who havemade significant con- tributions to the development of the field of the Water ... Water Resources Institute (EWRI). The valuable results of the research in the four-year period 2011

  • 11. bruno brunone - curriculum scientifico in lingua inglese (59%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.51

    of the Water Engineering Laboratory (WEL) President of the Steering Committee of the Department of Excellence ... at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia (Brunone et al, 2008). At the 2016 H2O Water International Exhibition of Bologna (Italy), the PPWM received the ”sustainability award ... practitioners —who havemade significant con- tributions to the development of the field of the Water ... Water Resources Institute (EWRI). The valuable results of the research in the four-year period 2011

  • 12. Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation (59%)

    9-dic-2015 9.00.45

    Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation Goffredo La Loggia, Master, Management of Water, Il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation, rivolto a 12 studenti provenienti dall'Etiopia e realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - DICAM - dell'Università di Palermo ... della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS), il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources

  • 13. 2022 International Doctoral Summer School on Extremes in Water Science (59%)

    8-lug-2022 10.57.35

    Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze articolo, notizia, unipa, extremes in water science, cambiamenti climatici Da domenica 10 a giovedì 14 luglio il Dipartimento ... School on Extremes in Water Science”, con la partecipazione di Richard Vogel, Michael Papalexiou ... di Ingegneria UniPa, coordinato dal prof. Leonardo Valerio Noto, e dal Water Resources Research and ... International Doctoral Summer School on Extremes in Water Science FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb

  • 14. UniPa sede dell’evento internazionale: Frontiers International Conference on Water and Wastewater (57%)

    9-giu-2016 13.48.30

    UniPa sede dell’evento internazionale: Frontiers International Conference on Water and Wastewater ricerca, Conference, on Water and Wastewater, Si è concluso con un arrivederci a maggio 2017 il corso avanzato ed il seminario internazionale sul binomio acqua ed energia organizzato dal prof. Giorgio Mannina, docente di Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale. Gli eventi scientifici sono stati organizzati ... on Water and Wastewater. Nove invited keynote lectures, tenute da luminari di fama internazionale

  • 15. cv_brunone (57%)

    17-apr-2018 9.54.05

    Nationality: Italian Current position Professor Director of the Water Engineering Laboratory ... at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia (Brunone et al, 2008). At the 2016 H2O Water International Exhibition of Bologna (Italy), the PPWM received the ”sustainability award ... practitioners —who havemade significant con- tributions to the development of the field of the Water ... Water Resources Institute (EWRI). The valuable results of the research in the four-year period 2011

  • 16. UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” (56%)

    14-ott-2019 14.38.47

    UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” articolo, notizia, unipa, UniPa per l’Ambiente, Eco-Totem Smartie Water Nell’ambito delle iniziative per la campagna “UniPa per l’Ambiente” il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, ha inaugurato al Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” per la raccolta differenziata della plastica, dell’alluminio e l’erogazione di acqua potabile. Il progetto “PlaStop

  • 17. UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” (56%)

    21-ott-2019 12.36.03

    UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” articolo, notizia, unipa, UniPa per l’Ambiente, Eco-Totem Smartie Water Nell’ambito delle iniziative per la campagna “UniPa per l’Ambiente” il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, ha inaugurato al Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” per la raccolta differenziata della plastica, dell’alluminio e l’erogazione di acqua potabile. Il progetto “PlaStop

  • 18. UniPa per l’Ambiente - Al Campus il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” (56%)

    28-ott-2019 9.13.56

    UniPa per l’Ambiente - Al Campus il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” articolo, notizia, unipa, UniPa per l’Ambiente, Eco-Totem Smartie Water Nell’ambito delle iniziative per la campagna “UniPa per l’Ambiente” il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, ha inaugurato al Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” per la raccolta differenziata della plastica, dell’alluminio e l’erogazione di acqua potabile. Il progetto “PlaStop UniPa

  • 19. Cv - Ugarelli (55%)

    6-apr-2016 15.05.27

    Cv - Ugarelli Water&Energy, seminar, DICAM New trends and research perspectives towards a more ... is Adjunct Professor at Norwegian Institute of Technology in water and wastewater engineering since March ... water systems and collaborate at the courses “Water and wastewater engineering specialization course” and “Urban Water Systems” for students of Civil Engineer. She is currently project manager for SINTEF of “AWARE-P” and EU FP7 project “TRansitions to the Urban water Services of Tomorrow (TRUST

  • 20. CV Ugarelli (55%)

    6-apr-2016 15.06.21

    CV Ugarelli Water&Energy, cv, Ugarelli, DICAM New trends and research perspectives towards ... is Adjunct Professor at Norwegian Institute of Technology in water and wastewater engineering since March ... water systems and collaborate at the courses “Water and wastewater engineering specialization course” and “Urban Water Systems” for students of Civil Engineer. She is currently project manager for SINTEF of “AWARE-P” and EU FP7 project “TRansitions to the Urban water Services of Tomorrow (TRUST