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  • 1. WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS - scadenza 8 aprile 2014 (100%)

    16-apr-2014 15.29.53

    WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS - scadenza 8 aprile 2014 bando_ricerca, bando, europe Pubblicata la call H2020-WASTE-2014-one-stage Obiettivo specifico: WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS Topics WASTE-3-2014: Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings WASTE-4a-2014: An EU near-zero waste stakeholder platform WASTE-4b-2014: Global waste dimension WASTE-4c-2014: Secondary raw materials inventory WASTE-5-2014: Preparing and

  • 2. Zero Waste (87%)

    31-mag-2024 9.47.39

    Zero Waste articolo, notizia, unipa Si è svolto venerdì 24 e sabato 25 maggio 2024 il terzo TPM (Transnational partner meeting) del progetto “Zero Waste – Sustainable World” (Responsabile Scientifico ... , esperti e rappresentanti degli 8 Paesi partner del consorzio. La prima sessione (Impact of waste ... dei prodotti finali. Le attività della seconda sessione (Academic Workshop: Waste management skills and applications of sustainable waste management) si sono, invece, svolte presso l’Aula Magna


    16-apr-2014 15.29.36

    WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS - scadenza 8 aprile 2014 bando_ricerca, bando, europe Pubblicata la call H2020-WASTE-2014-two-stage Obiettivo specifico: WASTE ... stage: 16 settembre 2014 Topics WASTE-2-2014: A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste WASTE-1-2014: Moving towards a circular economy through industrial symbiosis ... al numero ...., dalle ore alle ore....... Contatto per email Priolo Pubblicata la call H2020-WASTE-2014-two

  • 4. cv_zanetti (80%)

    11-mar-2021 14.34.31

    for wastewater treatment, waste recycle and reuse, contaminated land characterization and cleaning ... , Waste Management, competences Waste Management & Research,Resources Conservation & ... Member of Scientific Committee of Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management CRETE Congress Member ... Conference Member of Scientific Committee of CEST 2019 Congress Member of International Waste ... of the biogas and leachate production in landfills. Recovery of industrial waste products and assessment

  • 5. CV Zanetti (78%)

    2-apr-2020 16.29.19

    scientific activity is focused on environmental technologies for wastewater treatment, waste recycle and ... of Environmental Progress,Journal of Hazardous Materials, Waste Management, competences Waste ... Member of Scientific Committee of Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management CRETE Congress ... Conference Member of International Waste Working Group Commissioner ANVUR national ... . Analysis of the biogas and leachate production in landfills. Recovery of industrial waste products and

  • 6. cv zanetti (71%)

    8-gen-2018 12.24.07

    technologies for wastewater treatment, waste recycle and reuse, contaminated land characterization ... skills and evaluator Peer reviewer of Environmental Progress,Journal of Hazardous Materials, Waste ... Committee Member of Scientific Committee of Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management CRETE Congress Member of International Waste Working Group Commissioner ANVUR national certification Member ... production in landfills. Recovery of industrial waste products and assessment of industrial costs

  • 7. vegli ¦_cv (68%)

    17-apr-2020 12.01.02

    del datore di Smart Waste Engineering srl lavoro c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale ... corso della vita e della of Hazardous Materials, Waste Management, Process Biochemistry, Journal ... & Engineering Srl. (fino al 2017),Componente casa, ecc. CdA dello spin-off Smart Waste ... analysis of a hydrometallurgical approach developed for the treatment of waste printed circuit ... .002545 . 4. Vegliò, F., Birloaga, I., Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling: Aqueous

  • 8. WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS - scadenza 21 aprile 2015 (68%)

    8-mar-2016 13.18.11

    WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS - scadenza 21 aprile 2015 bando_ricerca, bando, europe, scaduto Pubblicata la nuova call H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage Pillar: SOCIETAL CHALLENGES Obiettivo Specifico: WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS Scadenza stage1: 21 aprile 2015 Scadenza stage3: 08 settembre 2015 Sfida I rifiuti in crescita prodotti ... call H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage Pillar: SOCIETAL CHALLENGES Obiettivo Specifico: WASTE: A RESOURCE

  • 9. WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS 2 - scadenza 21 aprile 2015 (68%)

    8-mar-2016 13.17.49

    WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS 2 - scadenza 21 aprile 2015 bando_ricerca, bando, europe, scaduto Pubblicata la nuova call H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage Pillar: SOCIETAL CHALLENGES Obiettivo Specifico: WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS Scadenza ... di processi partecipativi per tutte le parti interessate. Priolo Pubblicata la nuova call H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage Pillar: SOCIETAL CHALLENGES Obiettivo Specifico: WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE

  • 10. cv muntoni (66%)

    8-gen-2018 12.24.07

    in contesti di prestigio Internazionale e Nazionale. Fa parte dell’IWWG - International Waste Working ... group Waste Biorefineries, di cui è chairman, e PHOENIX - Waste Combustion Residues ... ) Su rivista a diffusione Internazionale 1) Cossu R., Muntoni A. (1995). Landfilling of industrial waste ... transformations of nitrogen during mechanical-biological pre-treatment of municipal solid waste. Waste Management (Editore Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Oxford, UK, accettata 06/10/2006

  • 11. nomina Waste Manager_Viviani (2) (64%)

    11-mag-2022 15.56.53

    del Waste Manager d’Ateneo; DECRETA Il Prof. Gaspare Viviani, Ordinario del SSD ICAR/03 – Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale, è nominato dal Rettore Waste Manager d’Ateneo per la gestione dei rifiuti ... :// nomina Waste Manager_Viviani.docx --- --- --- Skia/PDF m100 Google Docs Renderer

  • 12. Short CV (60%)

    14-gen-2014 18.15.47

    Short CV DICAM, wastewater, waste Full professor of "Sanitary and Environmental Engineering" and “Contaminated soil remediation” at Faculty of Engineering of University of Palermo. Author of more then 250 papers on themes of sanitary and environmental engineering regarding: mathematical simulation models for activated sludge and advanced treatment processes; analysis of efficiency of wastewater treatment plants; effects of wastewater reuse on soil properties; storm water pollution and

  • 13. Curriculum Francesco Pirozzi (56%)

    2-apr-2020 16.29.19

    del Governing Board della Rivista Scientifica Edorium Journal of Waste Management;  Guest Editors ... titolo Biological and Thermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste;  Co-Curatore del volume Analisi ... prestigio nel mondo dell’ingegneria sanitaria ambientale (per esempio: Water Research, Waste ... Chemical Engineering Transactions 4 Waste Management 4 Water Science And Technology 4 Journal ... Of Environmental Engineering 2 Sustainability Switzerland 2 Waste Management And Research 2 Water

  • 14. cv pirozzi (55%)

    8-gen-2018 12.24.07

    del Governing Board della Rivista Scientifica Edorium Journal of Waste Management;  Guest Editors ... Biological and Thermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste;  Co-Curatore del volume Analisi dei ... dell’ingegneria sanitaria ambientale (per esempio: Water Research, Waste Management, Journal ... Transactions 4 Waste Management 4 Water Science And Technology 4 Journal Of Environmental Management 3 ... Engineering 2 Sustainability Switzerland 2 Waste Management And Research 2 Water Research 2 Water SA 2

  • 15. be_0036_WASTE-2014 -one- stage (53%)

    25-mar-2014 11.10.19

    SPECIFICO WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS MASTER CALL H2020-WASTE-2014-2015 CALL H2020-WASTE-2014-one-stage SCADENZA CALL 08 aprile 2014 •WASTE-3-2014: Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings •WASTE-4a-2014: An EU near-zero waste stakeholder platform •WASTE-4b-2014: Global waste dimension TOPICS •WASTE-4c-2014: Secondary raw materials inventory •WASTE-5-2014: Preparing and promoting innovation procurement for resource efficiency I progressi

  • 16. cv prof. lubello (53%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    ) The role of no-profit organization in solid waste management: an opportunity for reuse and occupation ... U., C. LUBELLO, A. CORTI (2001) Innovative waste management methods towards sustainable development by means of re-utilization and citizens direct involvement. Proceedings of 8th Waste management ... hypothesis comparison. Proceedings of 8th Waste management and landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2001), 1-5 ... ., LUBELLO C., SPADI S. (2004) Reuse of potential solid waste a goal or a lost opportunity

  • 17. Construction & Demolition Waste in Circular Economic Loops (51%)

    10-mag-2023 16.41.20

    Sala Magna, Steri - piazza Marina, 61 articolo, notizia, unipa, remed, economia circolare Lunedì 15 maggio, dalle 9.00, nella Sala Magna del Complesso monumentale dello Steri si tiene la giornata di studio sul tema "Construction & Demolition Waste in Circular Economic Loops” promossa nell'ambito delle attività di REMED (Innovazione per lo sviluppo dell’economia circolare ai fini ... et l'Aménagement (CEREMA). Visualizza il programma Construction & Demolition Waste in Circular

  • 18. Giornata di studio “Construction & Demolition Waste in Circular Economic Loops” (49%)

    12-mag-2023 16.04.03

    Giornata di studio “Construction & Demolition Waste in Circular Economic Loops” articolo, notizia, unipa, remed, economia circolare Lunedì 15 maggio, dalle 9.00, nella Sala Magna del Complesso Monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina, 61) si terrà la giornata di studio “Construction & Demolition Waste in Circular Economic Loops”, dedicata alle tematiche di recupero, riuso e riciclaggio dei cosiddetti rifiuti provenienti dalla demolizione e dismissione di strutture edili

  • 19. Innovative and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste (49%)

    26-ott-2021 11.31.47

    and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste” a cura del prof. Frédéric Debeaufort ... Innovative and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale

  • 20. Programma_Innovative and sustainable food packaging based on fish and seafood waste (49%)

    26-ott-2021 11.28.29

    Frédéric Debeaufort, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté Professor in Food and Packaging Sciences & Engineering Progetto FORTHEM INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD PACKAGING BASED ON FISH AND SEAFOOD WASTE 27/10/21 ore 9,30-11,30, aula Magna, SAAF Saluti Istituzionali Stefano Colazza - Direttore Dipartimento SAAF Sabine Hoffman - Responsabile progetto Forthem Unipa Paolo Inglese - Responssabile ... : AND SEAFOOD WASTE forthem locandina 3 Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows