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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. InFolio nr 39 - giugno 2022 (100%)

    7-set-2023 15.29.41

    Roberto Sanna 152 Understanding the EU Urban Agenda from the margins of 40 Città de-confinate ... in Egitto Martina Scozzari LETTURE 82 Enhancing structures of coexistences. Urban fringes, leftovers ... to address the challenges of climate change worth mentioning that the USR requires «a two- and urban ... provides The complex of contemporary cities and their urban an environment for students and ... the community may better understand that scientific Urban regeneration approach 2 and the local

  • 2. InFolio nr 42 - dicembre 2023 (81%)

    25-mar-2024 13.51.09

    regeneration project Indirizzo in Progettazione Architettonica An introduction to urban filmmaking ... . 109 Breaking the Chains of Car Precedence: Mina Ramezani Street for people by transforming urban ... | Dicembre 2023 INFOLIO 42 | 7 Digital limits and human possibilities An introduction to urban ... urban planners throughout the employment of visual methodologies. Keywords: Sensitive planning, action research, urban filmmaking, participatory documentary, community planning. The contradiction

  • 3. Student Competition on Urban Design 2023 (81%)

    5-lug-2023 14.05.56

    Student Competition on Urban Design 2023 darch, architettura, call, urban design, Union for the Mediterranean Student Urban Solutions to Climate Change in the Mediterranean Download ANDREA SANTORO Union for the Mediterranean Student Urban Solutions to Climate Change in the Mediterranean Download /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 4. Lo Piccolo_Bonafede_Todaro_Changing Cities II Porto Heli2 2015 (79%)

    11-mag-2020 10.40.05

    Gospodini, Chair of the Organising Committee, Professor of Urban Planning & Design, Department ... , Greece Dr. Virna Galani, Member of the Organising Committee, Architect, Urban Planner, Adjunct ... , urban planner and designer, PhD Candidate. University of Thessaly, Greece Nicos Economou ... Candidate. Member of the conference secretariat, Architect, MSc, PhD Candidate in urban planning ... for the Urban Environment, Brussels, Brussels Lefantzis M., University of Thessaly, Greece Leontidou L

  • 5. ICAR/14 – Urban and architectonics composition (77%)

    26-apr-2023 18.09.59

    ICAR/14 – Urban and architectonics composition Engineering, Urban and architectonics composition, Research Description The scientific-disciplinary content of the SDS ICAR/14 refers to the architectural project, in its extension from detail to the urban dimension, as a process and moment ... with the landscape (natural and urban). In Architecture different souls of Engineering intersect ... trees. Cultures and strategies for new forms of the contemporary urban landscape (2022

  • 6. scheda.trasparenza_en_ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN (77%)

    13-dic-2021 17.15.27

    DEPARTMENT Architettura ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 SECOND CYCLE (7TH LEVEL) COURSE URBAN, REGIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING SUBJECT ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN PLANNING STUDIO TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ... of urban development. Basic knowledge of the main guidelines of the contemporary urban project ... about the architectural and urban features of a real, situated context. LEARNING OUTCOMES - Knowledge and ... in their urban relations. Specific attention will be paid to some conditions that are necessary

  • 7. Urban Design 2021-2022 | il programma didattico (76%)

    27-set-2021 13.43.34

    Urban Design 2021-2022 | il programma didattico urban design, unipa, PTUA In attesa di incontrare, finalmente, gli studenti, ecco il programma didattico preventivo del corso. Troverete le indicazioni sul calendario delle attività e sui libri, non tutti da studiare per l'esame, ma utili a costruire il vostro bagaglio. Appuntamento alle 8,00 in aula 3.2, Dipartimento di Architettura, edificio 14 corpo centrale. Chi non potesse partecipare in presenza per ragioni assolutamente contingenti

  • 8. Docente Unipa nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) (68%)

    5-ott-2015 12.09.31

    Docente Unipa nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) Ignazio Vinci, nomina, Governing board della European Urban Research Association, Prestigioso riconoscimenti al prof. Ignazio Vinci, associato di “Urbanistica” presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) per il periodo ... editore di Urban Research & Practice, rivista scientifica pubblicata da Taylor and Francis

  • 9. InFolio nr 41 - giugno 2023 (67%)

    12-set-2023 10.30.11

    Targeting Sustainability to face Urban Challenges. Using EEA Humanity Centered & EC tools Elia ... places of the urban space? The study of an Ecomuseo in Sicily, part of an ongoing doctoral research ... trigger healthy renewal processes along the Mediterranean coast. Keywords: Ecomuseo, Urban regeneration ... Architettonici e Paesaggistici (XXXV Ciclo) del O., (a cura di) (2009). Urban Cosmographies. Indagine

  • 10. InFolio nr 40 - dicembre 2022 (66%)

    17-apr-2023 11.48.26

    , it is crucial that the fields of architecture, restoration and architectural history and urban and ... to experiment with new approaches and techniques that can then be applied to larger-scale urban and ... experts in the fields of architecture, restoration, and urban planning to discuss the central role ... in urban planning and the role of DOTTORATO IN ARCHITETTURA, ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE (XXIX-XXXVII CICLO ... Montserrat Bosch González Postfazione URBAN PLANNING E TECHNOLOGY 138 Planning the Unesco sites

  • 11. Docente Unipa nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) (66%)

    5-ott-2015 12.09.31

    Docente Unipa nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) Ignazio Vinci, nomina, Governing board della European Urban Research Association, Prestigioso riconoscimenti al prof. Ignazio Vinci, associato di “Urbanistica” presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, nominato membro del Governing board della European Urban Research Association (EURA) per il periodo ... editore di Urban Research & Practice, rivista scientifica pubblicata da Taylor and Francis

  • 12. InFolio nr 38 - dicembre 2021 (65%)

    3-feb-2022 16.32.51

    ’ environmental preferences in spaces under elevated highways and urban bridges Mina Ramezani INFOLIO ... inequalities in China remains the urban-rural divide, formally constituted by the Household Registration System, that splits the population into two groups: urban-recorded and rural-recorded residents ... of rural and urban. Keywords: Rural, China, Inequalities, Development, Design Introduzione di processi ... percent would like to settle in urban areas. I cittadini urbani considerano i lavoratori migranti

  • 13. Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making (65%)

    11-mar-2016 17.31.09

    Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making Urban soils, Soil information transfer, Ecosystem services, Soil functions, Facets In costruzione... Riccardo Scalenghe Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making Land Use Policy DOI>10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.10.025 Anyone who clicks on the link until January 10, 2016, will be taken to the article for free. No sign up

  • 14. Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future | Consultazione nazionale online del MUR (62%)

    1-giu-2021 18.05.02

    Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future | Consultazione nazionale online del MUR articolo, notizia, unipa, Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future, DUT Giovedì 3 e venerdì 4 giugno il Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR) conduce una consultazione nazionale online per la definizione della nuova partnership europea "Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future" (DUT) che affronta il complesso insieme di sfide urbane con un approccio integrato

  • 15. Programma_UDM2018_ (60%)

    21-set-2018 10.39.22

    11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON URBAN DRAINAGE MODELLING PROGRAMME 23-26 SEPTEMBER 2018 ... , welcome to the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2018). The University ... issues on urban drainage. The conference is organized/supported by four outstanding scientific societies ... ). The conference has nine main topics related to urban drainage (i.e., Drainage and impact mitigation; Frontiers in urban drainage; Receiving water quality; Rainfall in urban areas; Urban hydrologic and hydraulic

  • 16. Teacher body (55%)

    14-nov-2023 19.26.52

    ) - Convenzionato con Università Estere TEACHER Name Curriculum University ABBATE Giuseppe Urban ... on architectural heritage UNIPA - DARCH BADAMI Angela, Alessandra Urban Studies and Planning UNIPA - DARCH ... Urban Studies and Planning UNIPA - DARCH CATANIA Carmelina Anna Sustainable Architecture and Design: Human Centered Approach UNIPA - DARCH CILONA Teresa Urban Studies and Planning UNIPA - DARCH ... Sustainable Architecture and Design: Human Centered Approach UNIPA - DARCH GIAMPINO Annalisa Urban

  • 17. CONFERENZA/11th International Conference on Urban drainage modelling - Prof. Giorgio Mannina (53%)

    20-mar-2019 8.20.17

    Palermo, Via Maqueda 172, Scuola delle Scienze Giuridiche ed Economico-Sociali, Atrio principale CONFERENZA/11th International Conference on Urban drainage modelling - Prof. Giorgio Mannina scuola scienze giuridiche ed economico-sociali, ssges, eventi, eventi interni, conferenza, conference, urban drainage, modelling, mannina VALERIO LOMBARDO /sites/portale/_categories/evento/

  • 18. COSTI Dario-CV_per diffusione_light (50%)

    23-apr-2020 16.29.21

    Attività di docenza per Master nel contesto italiano 5.6 Direzione del Corso di Alta Formazione Urban ... 5.9 Altra attività didattica 6 PARMA URBAN CENTER E ALTRE INIZIATIVE CULTURALI 6.1 Parma Urban Center tra divulgazione, impegno civile, formazione e ricerca 6.2 Altre iniziative culturali ... della Collana editoriale STRUMENTI di Parma Urban Center e della Collana Manuali d’Architettura per la casa ... dell’Architettura. Dal 2007 è Socio fondatore e Presidente di Parma Urban Center. Nel 2010 è Membro

  • 19. InFolio nr 34 - marzo 2019 (50%)

    22-mag-2019 8.46.27

    The Characters and Strategies of Boundary Wall within Urban Areas – Does it require? 04 Mustafizur ... Change and Urban delle fonti archivistiche negli studi di architettura Mitigation Techniques

  • 20. InFolio nr 34 - marzo 2019 (50%)

    15-gen-2021 9.29.00

    The Characters and Strategies of Boundary Wall within Urban Areas – Does it require? 04 Mustafizur ... Change and Urban delle fonti archivistiche negli studi di architettura Mitigation Techniques