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1. Professori e dottorandi del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e relazioni internazionali al Jesus College di Cambridge (100%)
27-set-2023 9.12.11Professori e dottorandi del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e relazioni internazionali al Jesus College di Cambridge articolo, notizia, unipa, upcoming, event Un gruppo di professori, ricercatori e dottorandi del DEMS, coordinati dal prof. A. Miranda, sono stati protagonisti del “Plenary Workshop” Business and integrity: the experience of Italy in addressing the dark side of business” nell'ambito del 40 simo Symposium on Economic Crimes. Il Symposium è la più longeva e partecipata conferenza
2. Certificate of appreciation al prof. Antonello Miranda (100%)
27-set-2023 9.10.25Certificate of appreciation al prof. Antonello Miranda articolo, notizia, unipa, upcoming, event Le Istituzioni organizzatrici del Symposium on economic crimes, congiuntamente al Master e ai Fellows del Jesus College dell'Università di Cambridge, hanno conferito al prof. Antonello Miranda il certificate of appreciation per avere contribuito magistralmente al successo dei Symposia annuali nella lotta ai crimini economici. DARIO PIRRONE Le Istituzioni organizzatrici del Symposium on economic
3. Il Prof. Antonello Miranda nel Consiglio Direttivo dell'ISFL (100%)
29-ago-2023 9.29.37Il Prof. Antonello Miranda nel Consiglio Direttivo dell'ISFL articolo, notizia, unipa, upcoming, event Il prof. Antonello Miranda, direttore del centro di studi avanzati di Unipa, in occasione del 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law tenutosi nel mese di luglio 2023, è stato eletto dall’assemblea generale dei soci nel Consiglio Direttivo della stessa ISFL per il triennio 2023-2026. DARIO PIRRONE Il prof. Antonello Miranda è stato eletto nel Consiglio Direttivo
4. Il “DEMS” al 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law (100%)
29-ago-2023 10.09.43Il “DEMS” al 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law articolo, notizia, unipa, upcoming, events, Conclusosi il 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law, la più antica e importante associazione internazionale di studiosi del diritto di famiglia comparato, a cui ha partecipato l'Università degli Studi di Palermo con un gruppo di dodici tra professori, dottori di ricerca e dottorandi. Il team palermitano, coordinato dai prof. A. Miranda, S. Casabona
5. hrs4rguide-process16-2-2016_strengthened_2016 (53%)
19-set-2024 9.19.00to the request of the upcoming monitoring requirements (i.e. requirements related to indicators ... assessment. After 3 years, the upcoming assessment then is conducted in 2 subsequent stages which ... to create new actions for the upcoming time horizon. 2. it gives the opportunity to the institution and ... for the upcoming years. The internal review is conducted by the institutions at the following stages
6. International experts at the ISSI-BJ workshop on “Oscillatory Processes in Solar and Stellar Coronae” (44%)
10-dic-2020 10.51.17of the upcoming state-of-the-art solar instruments (Solar Orbiter, DKIST etc.). As a result, in order to give ... for the upcoming publication of the workshop’s reflections and results. Prof. Tongjiang Wang The presentations
7. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Courses (44%)
22-ott-2024 10.53.28! More information: ��Upcoming courses: https://shipcon.eu.com/upcoming-courses/ ✉️ For any questions
8. News154 (44%)
22-ott-2024 10.53.31! More information: ��Upcoming courses: https://shipcon.eu.com/upcoming-courses/ ✉️ For any questions
10. In the news (37%)
10-dic-2020 12.00.33investigations by means of the upcoming state-of-the-art solar instruments (Solar Orbiter, DKIST etc ... , we could lay the groundwork for the upcoming publication of the workshop’s reflections and results. Prof
11. primo journal club (37%)
13-ott-2022 13.31.28eye on tradition. In this article, we depict the highlights and shadows of the upcoming “Anatomic ... of the upcoming Anatomic Pathology 2.0. (MDT) meetings by providing timely and accurate diagnoses
12. Promoting_Student_Metacognition (37%)
19-feb-2024 9.25.33on preparing for the question was asking. you explored in your assignment that you still upcoming exam ... with students that an upcoming topic has as a student, and to be able to offer up self-reflective exam
14. UE Commission the future of the privacy (31%)
8-mar-2013 13.10.28applicable law, the WP29 envisages to advise the Commission on this subject in the course of the upcoming ... of the upcoming year. This advice might include further recommendations for a future legal framework
15. InFolio nr 42 - dicembre 2023 (31%)
25-mar-2024 13.51.09the scientific nese, with the aim of creating a collaborative animated community; with the upcoming
17. Croazia (31%)
8-mar-2013 17.21.11upcoming workshops agenda. a ntern wiil hold presentations, workshops and he/she shouid prepare games and
18. productFlyer_13175 book (31%)
9-mar-2017 16.39.38Integrated Water Management in Europe Printed eBook for just ▶ € | $ 24.99 Upcoming Volumes: ▶ springer.com
19. ITAMA oct 2021_programme (31%)
29-set-2021 8.09.58investment, and in this webinar, we will have experts that will be explaining the upcoming opportunities
20. Ireland Summer Program (31%)
21-apr-2015 12.19.30plenty of students still figuring out their plans for the upcoming break. We hope you will consider