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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. PhD and postdoc positions at the University of Helsinki, Finland (100%)

    13-apr-2018 9.29.17

    PhD and postdoc positions at the University of Helsinki, Finland PhD, postdoc, positions DEADLINE: 30th April 2018 A number of positions (PhD and postdoc positions) are available in the group of Vivek Sharma ( at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Please follow the links below for more information : Postdoc applicants - Doctoral degree applicants -

  • 2. PhD and postdoc positions at the University of Helsinki, Finland (100%)

    13-apr-2018 9.28.11

    PhD and postdoc positions at the University of Helsinki, Finland PhD, postdoc, positions DEADLINE: 30th April 2018 A number of positions (PhD and postdoc positions) are available in the group of Vivek Sharma ( at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Please follow the links below for more information : Postdoc applicants - Doctoral degree applicants -

  • 3. Longing for the Everyday in Everyday Aesthetics (82%)

    6-dic-2021 11.05.35

    Aula 4, Ed. 12 - Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze | Online articolo, notizia, unipa, scienze umanistiche, longing for the everyday in everyday aesthetics, arto haapala, university of helsinki Venerdì 17 dicembre, alle 12.00, nell’Aula 4 del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo (Edificio 12, Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze) si tiene la lecture sul tema “Longing for the Everyday in Everyday Aesthetics” a cura del prof. Arto Haapala

  • 4. Arto Haapala (University of Helsinki) Longing for the Everyday in Everyday Aesthetics - 17 Dicembre 2021 (70%)

    16-dic-2021 12.13.48

    Arto Haapala (University of Helsinki) Longing for the Everyday in Everyday Aesthetics - 17 Dicembre 2021 lezione, seminario, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche La lezione tenuta dal prof. Arto Haapala (Università di Helsinki) fa parte di un "progetto tandem" di scambi didattici tra l'Università di Palermo e l'Università di Helsinki e mira a consolidare la collaborazione tra le due università anche in previsione della costituzione di un network internazionale di ricerca sull'Everyday

  • 5. Draft of the conference program (Last update: August 10th) (57%)

    8-ago-2015 14.09.03

    University of Helsinki, Planning and team reasoning. K. MILLER, University of Helsinki, Social Reasons ... )| RAIMO TUOMELA (University of Helsinki), Symposium on R. Tuomela’s book, Social Ontology: Collective ... , Fordham University, Second-Person Interaction and Moral Responsibility. T. VESTERINEN, University of Helsinki, The detection of mental disorders. 12:30 Lunch 14:00 ISOS Assembly Meeting 14:30 Selected ... delle Capriate) Cooperation and team reasoning (S. Antonio Abbate) M. HEINONEN, University

  • 6. Conference program (57%)

    11-ago-2015 9.04.38

    , University of Helsinki, The detection of mental disorders. 12:30 Lunch 14:00 ISOS Assembly Meeting 14:30 ... , University of Helsinki, Minimalism and Maximalism in the Study of Shared Agency. J. MARTENS (Ruhr Universität ... University and University of Helsinki, Planning and team reasoning. K. MILLER, University of Helsinki, Social ... TUOMELA, University of Helsinki University of Palermo, September 24th-26th 2015 FRANCESCA PAOLA

  • 7. profile and publications Di Lorenzo (44%)

    27-feb-2015 0.38.17

    of the European Network on Social Ontology, University of Helsinki, 23rd-25th october 2013 ... of the European Network on Social Ontology, University of Helsinki, 23-25 october 2013 Title ... – 2012”, speakers: Raimo Tuomela (University of Helsinki; University of Munich); Daniel Vanderveken

  • 8. curriculum Francesca Paola Di Lorenzo (44%)

    25-ott-2016 13.06.26

    of the European Network on Social Ontology, University of Helsinki, 23-25 october 2013 Title of the talk: The Role ... of Helsinki; University of Munich); Daniel Vanderveken (Universitè du Quebec à Trois Rivière ... Ontology, University of Helsinki, 23-25 october 2013 Title of the talk: The Role of Searle’s ... dell’intervento alla Terza Conferenza internazionale della European Network on Social Ontology, University of Helsinki, 23-25 ottobre 2013. • Diritti umani e libertà di espressione. La priorità del principio

  • 9. abstracts (38%)

    17-set-2013 13.03.52

    XIX Seminario AICLU PROVE DI ACCERTAMENTO E DI CERTIFICAZIONE LINGUISTICA Book of abstracts Plenary speakers Presentations “How do you rate?” Group development work on oral interviews in English exemption tests at the University of Helsinki Fergal Bradley and Sandro John Amendolara (University of Helsinki) Exemption testing constitutes a small but significant element of teachers’ workloads at the University of Helsinki Language Centre. Offering exemption from compulsory courses responds

  • 10. Identity, Nature and Aesthetics in Everyday Life: Sami Indigenous People as a case study (36%)

    31-ott-2018 10.10.10

    Identity, Nature and Aesthetics in Everyday Life: Sami Indigenous People as a case study seminario interdisciplinare, lingua inglese, dipartimento, scienze umanistiche, locandina Mercoledì 7 Novembre 2018 ore 11-14 - Ed. 19, Aula 05 Invited speaker: prof. Corinna Casi, University of Helsinki Nella cornice teorica dell’EverydayAesthetics e dell’Environmental Ethics il seminario in lingua inglese ... Di Stefano E’stato invitato a partecipare: prof. Corinna Casi, University of Helsinki Chiusura: Alice

  • 11. Identity, Nature and Aesthetics in Everyday Life: Sami Indigenous People as a case study (36%)

    31-ott-2018 9.57.51

    Identity, Nature and Aesthetics in Everyday Life: Sami Indigenous People as a case study seminario, lettere, scienze umanistiche Mercoledì 7 Novembre 2018 ore 11-14 Ed. 19, Aula 05 Invited speaker: prof. Corinna Casi, University of Helsinki Nella cornice teorica dell’Everyday Aesthetics e dell’Environmental Ethics il seminario in lingua inglese, tenuto dalla prof. Corinna Casi, Università ... . Corinna Casi, University of Helsinki Chiusura: Alice Pugliese Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale

  • 12. 19pa_c3p2_l-lin12_dossena_cv (36%)

    26-ott-2022 11.26.35

    (Austria) dal 01.03/2003 al 31.05.2003 (Visiting professor); - University of Helsinki (Finland) dal 23 ... (University of Helsinki), del Seminario dal titolo ‘Diachronic Perspectives on Domain-Specific

  • 13. programme_2 (36%)

    18-set-2013 13.27.45

    + 10 minuti ciascuna) 11:30 – 12:00 Fergal Bradley and Sandro John Amendolara (University of Helsinki ... work on oral interviews in English exemption tests at the University of Helsinki 12:00 – 12:30 Sayuri

  • 15. dossena cv (31%)

    23-apr-2020 10.37.01

    ) dal 01.03/2003 al 31.05.2003 - University of Helsinki (Finland) dal 23 al 28.04.2019 f ... ). 3. Coordinatrice, insieme a Irma Taavitsainen (University of Helsinki), del Seminario dal th

  • 16. piano_annuale_ricerche_2021_dmi (31%)

    4-ago-2021 16.00.23

    , KTH Stockholm; IRCAM Paris; ZHdK Zurich; Aalborg University Copenhagen; University of Helsinki; Aalto University; UC San Diego. MAT/02 Algebra Si distinguono due ambiti di ricerca: A. Identità ... Unito - Eötvös Loránd University, Ungheria - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portogallo - University of Helsinki, Finlandia - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Francia - Centrum Wiskunde &

  • 17. curriculum vitae Vicari (31%)

    7-mag-2017 17.10.40

    /convegno-di-mid-term/ 23-25 ottobre 2013 University of Helsinki (Finland) 9 III Convegno ... (University of Helsinki, University of Munich); Daniel Vanderveken (Université du Québec à Trois

  • 18. Locandina IQSA 2022 Short programme (31%)

    24-giu-2022 11.34.34

    University of Helsinki 2. Omaima Abou Bakr – Cairo University 3. Mulki Al-Sharmani – University of Helsinki

  • 19. Programma-IX Congresso SIS-Genere e storia oltre i confini (31%)

    14-giu-2024 16.56.40

    Casafina (Università di Padova), Beatrice Moring (University of Helsinki) Discussant: Michela Fusaschi ... di Palermo) Discussant: Beatrice Moring (University of Helsinki) AULA 5, ATRIO (DIGI) AULA 5 (DEMS

  • 20. SIS_Programma-0608-2_IDA FAZIO (31%)

    17-giu-2024 11.40.46

    Casafina (Università di Padova), Beatrice Moring (University of Helsinki) Discussant: Michela Fusaschi ... di Palermo) Discussant: Beatrice Moring (University of Helsinki) AULA 5, ATRIO (DIGI) AULA 5 (DEMS