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  • 1. 2 of 2 (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.48

    2 of 2 double degress, under costruction, unipa Humanities and Cultural Heritage School LM 52: International Relations for Economic Cooperation and Development Spain: Valencia Agreement (Prof. Fiume) Contacts +39.09123892234 Study program email: ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 2. 2 of 2 (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.50

    2 of 2 double degress, under costruction, unipa Humanities and Cultural Heritage School LM 52: International Relations for Economic Cooperation and Development Spain: Valencia Agreement (Prof. Fiume) Contacts +39.09123892234 Study program email: ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 3. 1 of 2 (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.50

    1 of 2 double degress, under costruction, unipa SPAIN LM 38: Modern Languages for communication and international cooperation Agreement (Prof. ssa Di Gesù) Contacts +39.09123899233 Study program email: ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 4. Home (28%)

    7-giu-2016 12.24.58

    Home articolo, notizia, unipa Under costruction.... GIORGIO MANNINA

  • 5. BioMAc 2016 Bioreattori a Membrane (MBR) per la depurazione delle Acque (28%)

    7-giu-2016 12.25.26

    Home articolo, notizia, unipa Under costruction.... GIORGIO MANNINA

  • 6. Comitati (28%)

    17-giu-2016 15.25.07

    Comitati BIOMAC, Comitati, DICAM Palermo, 6-7 ottobre 2016 Under costruction.... ELISA OLIVERI

  • 7. Contatti (28%)

    17-giu-2016 15.26.00

    Contatti BIOMAC, Contatti, DICAM Palermo, 6-7 ottobre 2016 Under costruction.... ELISA OLIVERI

  • 8. Presentazioni&FotoGallery (28%)

    17-giu-2016 15.50.36

    Presentazioni e Fotogallery BIOMAC, Presentazioni, Foto, DICAM Palermo, 6-7 ottobre 2016 Under costruction.... ELISA OLIVERI

  • 9. Sponsor&Patrocinii (28%)

    22-ago-2016 19.30.00

    Sponsors e patrocinii BIOMAC, Sponsor, Patrocinio, DICAM Palermo, 27-28 ottobre 2016 Under costruction.... ELISA OLIVERI

  • 10. ARCHMAT Summer School 2017 (28%)

    18-lug-2017 12.55.54

    ) Download HERE the List of Students (last update: 05/07/2017) Download HERE the Program (under costruction

  • 11. Under costr (26%)

    11-nov-2015 12.21.40