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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Travel info (100%)

    13-feb-2017 16.48.03

    Travel info travel, info, ica, unipa The 17th ICA will be held at “Polo Universitario di Trapani” located about 3 km to Trapani centre. Maps: Web Site: FLYING To Trapani airport (TPS) "Vincenzo Florio" airport (old name "Birgi") Direct flights from: BOLOGNA BRUXELLES (CHARLEROI) CAGLIARI FRANCOFORTE-HAHN GENOVA KARLSRUHE - BADEN MALTA MILANO

  • 2. Flyer - Summer Work Travel (96%)

    21-gen-2022 9.38.02

    Travel Cultural Exchange Experience F RANCESCA@MONDO I NS I EME . I T 351 7752085 Flyer - Summer Work Travel DAE1ta-rKKE,BAEtRmugOQ8 Francesca Sbona Canva Canva

  • 3. Area-Economico-Finanziaria-2007 (84%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.39

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 9 ANDREA CIRÀ - Induced travel and land use models

  • 5. 07_agenzia_My_Travel_srl (64%)

    17-giu-2021 15.25.21

    di viaggi My Travel s.r.l. sono in scadenza il 30 giugno 2021; Vista l’e-mail trasmessa all’Agenzia My Travel s.r.l. in data 14 giugno 2021, con la quale, sulla base delle valutazioni complessivamente ... My Travel s.r.l., ha proposto che i diritti di agenzia su emissioni biglietteria, prenotazione

  • 6. COSTVademecum (59%)

    9-ott-2017 10.51.16

    Long distance (Cross-border) travel expenses ... ................................................................................................. 27 Other travel expenses ... . Clarification on long distance travel definition (see Section 4.1.3.). 2. Clarification on local transport ... – Shuttle classified as Bus travel and not a Taxi service. 10. Revision of Dissemination Section (See

  • 7. Merck Innovation Travel Grant (58%)

    15-dic-2023 18.36.20

    Merck Innovation Travel Grant articolo, notizia, unipa, news-placement Trialect partners with many ... partnered with Trialect to disseminate the innovation regarding the Innovation Travel Grant 2024 (42 ... participants' travel, accommodation, and food expenses. More Information: ... partnered with Trialect to disseminate the innovation regarding the Innovation Travel Grant 2024 (42 ... participants' travel, accommodation, and food expenses. More Information:

  • 8. h2020-manuale_amga_last (54%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

  • 9. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (40%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    . Purchase costs - C.1 Travel and subsistence - C.2 Equipment - C.3 Other goods, works and services - D ... to usual cost accounting practices) - Limitation for subcontracting - Travel and subsistence: - Travel: Actual costs - Accommodation: Actual costs - Subsistence: Actual costs - Equipment ... . In addition, for direct cost categories (e.g. personnel, travel & subsistence, subcontracting and other

  • 10. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (40%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    . Purchase costs - C.1 Travel and subsistence - C.2 Equipment - C.3 Other goods, works and services - D ... to usual cost accounting practices) - Limitation for subcontracting - Travel and subsistence: - Travel: Actual costs - Accommodation: Actual costs - Subsistence: Actual costs - Equipment ... . In addition, for direct cost categories (e.g. personnel, travel & subsistence, subcontracting and other

  • 11. guidelines-ADDITIONAL-CALL (39%)

    15-nov-2016 15.09.12

    will cover all costs (e.g. wages costs plus travel costs, etc.); - All the costs directly connected ... whatever the nature of the costs concerned (e.g. fees, travel costs and subsistence costs ... must also specify the date(s) on which the services were provided. Travel and accommodation costs

  • 12. Summer Job - Work and Travel USA (38%)

    19-lug-2022 10.53.54

    Summer Job - Work and Travel USA articolo, notizia, unipa Summer Job negli Stati Uniti per studenti universitari - Job Fair La Job Fair di Mondo Insieme promuove il programma Summer Work Travel negli Stati Uniti, lavoro estivo retribuito, rivolto agli studenti universitari. Gli studenti avranno la possibilità di incontrare di persona il prestigioso datore di lavoro americano del Pacific Park e di partecipare alle selezione per l’ambita posizione lavorativa. Seguiranno dettagli su luogo e data

  • 13. Primo trimestre 2020 (38%)

    19-mag-2020 19.51.03

  • 15. 28_05_2018_Noleggio pullman con autista per 20 persone per Azienda Guccione – Alia (PA) _My Travel s.r.l. (36%)

    12-lug-2018 14.55.33

    A del D.Lgs 50/2016 III.2) Importo affidamento: € 480,00 oltre IVA III.3) Affidatario: My Travel s.r.l ... in quella data, si procederà ad affidamento diretto alla Ditta Biba Tour di My Travel s.r.l

  • 16. Degree course in TOURISM SCIENCE (35%)

    18-dic-2019 11.03.39

    objectives. With respect to demand, the area of study therefore includes: the motivations to travel ... of relations with tour operators and travel agents, to plan and organize tourist activities, etc ... agencies as reception and information workers, congressional assistants. Profile: Travel agents Functions: The course aims at training professional travel agents, a profile which has evolved in time ... , by the very change in the reasons that drive people to travel. Skills: The travel agent must be able

  • 17. Articoli di Ricerca Comuni a tutti i Corsi di Laurea - Lingua Inglese - Corso di Recupero (33%)

    28-ott-2013 10.06.44

    systems, which have become more flexible and cost-effective; decreased costs of air travel; and ... to consumers. It has also generated increased demand for new travel services, such as computerized ... websites has allowed for the direct dissemination of travel information to potential clients. The Internet has made travel products globally accessible at much lower costs. As a result, customer ... -after amenity in hotel rooms, airports, travel information and entertainment centers, and

  • 18. Studio ed esercitazione GLOBALIZATION, TOURISM AND CULTURE (33%)

    28-ott-2013 10.05.42

    systems, which have become more flexible and cost-effective; decreased costs of air travel; and ... as the quality of services provided to consumers. It has also generated increased demand for new travel ... : The development of sophisticated websites has allowed for the direct dissemination of travel information to potential clients. The Internet has made travel products globally accessible at much lower ... , the Internet has become the most sought-after amenity in hotel rooms, airports, travel information and

  • 20. SCHEDA RIEPILOGATIVA My Travel (32%)

    11-lug-2019 16.15.24

    affidamento: € 36.000,00 III.3) Affidatario: My Travel S.r.l. III.4) Data di affidamento: 01/07/2018