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  • 1. Training School internazionale di biofisica (100%)

    1-feb-2018 11.55.07

    Training School internazionale di biofisica training school, internazionale , biofisica, Biophysics, Advanced Methods, Bio-nanotechnologies,zebrafish Dal 6 al 9 febbraio 2018 si svolgerà la “training school” internazionale di biofisica presso l'Aula Seminari, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” Prof. Valeria Vetri, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Università di Palermo. locandina dell'evento CECILIA MACALUSO 6-9 Febbraio 2018 presso l'Aula

  • 2. Training School internazionale “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION (56%)

    5-feb-2018 10.55.02

    Aula seminari - edificio 18 - Viale delle Scienze Training School internazionale “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION students, Training, ACTION, Al via la Training School internazionale “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” che si svolgerà dal 6 al 9 febbraio 2018 nell’aula seminari, edificio 18 ... meglio eventuali dubbi”. Uno degli obiettivi principali della training school è quello di fornire informazioni ... il contributo dei massimi esperti del settore. Info:

  • 3. Training school per studenti (53%)

    20-mar-2023 15.25.30

    Training school per studenti articolo, notizia, unipa RE-MED PROJECT SPRING SCHOOL APRIL 11-17 Agli studenti del corso di laurea partecipanti verrano riconosciuti 3CFU REMED training school flyer GIUSEPPE FILECCIA SCIMEMI RE-MED PROJECT SPRING SCHOOL APRIL 11-17 Agli studenti del corso di laurea partecipanti verrano riconosciuti 3CFU REMED training school flyer /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 4. REMED Training School (53%)

    20-mar-2023 15.32.12

    REMED Training School articolo, notizia, unipa RE-MED PROJECT SPRING SCHOOL APRIL 11-17 Agli studenti del corso di laurea partecipanti verrano riconosciuti 3CFU REMED training school flyer GIUSEPPE FILECCIA SCIMEMI RE-MED PROJECT SPRING SCHOOL APRIL 11-17 Agli studenti del corso di laurea partecipanti verrano riconosciuti 3CFU REMED training school flyer /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 5. ProgramMIAschool2018_16oct (46%)

    16-ott-2017 15.18.02

    Training School 2018 Palermo, 6 - 9 February 2018 Program Day 1 - Tuesday, Febr 6th 10:30 Registration and Welcome Address Maurizio Leone University of Palermo, Dept. of Physics and Chemistry & ATeN Center/CHAB 11:30 Vincenzo Cavalieri University of Palermo, Dept. of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies & ATeN Center/CHAB TOPIC: Introduction to the Zebrafish model 12:30 Valeria Vetri University

  • 6. flyermia2018-sp (46%)

    16-gen-2018 16.05.07

    /training-school-2018/ for details Microsoft Word - Flyer mia.docx valeria Microsoft: Print

  • 7. molecole (46%)

    1-feb-2018 11.50.15

    DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E CHIMICA - DiFC Direttore: prof.ssa Stefana Milioto “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” 6-9 Febbraio 2018 Aula Seminari, DIFC, Via le delle scienze edificio 18 Dal 6 al 9 febbraio 2018 si svolgerà la “training school” internazionale di biofisica “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” ad ATEN CENTER Il percorso ... :// Prof. Valeria Vetri, Dipartimento di Fisica

  • 8. grant APPLICATION-MIEschool (42%)

    16-ott-2017 15.49.52

    Application for an ARBRE-MOBIEU Grant for attendance at a COST sponsored training school or course Personal details Family name: First name: Gender: Date and place of birth: E-mail: Professional status: Address and website of base laboratory: Current source of funding, with dates: Do you classify to be considered an Early Career Investigator (ECI)*? *ECI: An individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate (full

  • 9. COSTVademecum (41%)

    9-ott-2017 10.51.16

    ................................................................................. 30 5.2. Training School Trainers – Financial Support .................................................................. 31 5.3. Training School Trainees ... Action meeting and/ or one Training School throughout the lifetime of the COST Action. Management

  • 10. REMED Training School (36%)

    17-mar-2023 11.49.28

    REMED Training School articolo, notizia, unipa Dal 11 al 17 aprile 2023 si terrà RE-MED Spring School - Making the Built Environment Circular - Rendere Circolare l'Ambiente Costruito, organizzata nell'ambito del progetto del progetto internazionale REMED ENICBC MED. L'attività è dedicata a studenti di Laurea Magistrale e di dottorato. Per maggiori informazioni e per consultare il programma Per partecipare all'attività, è necessario iscriversi MARCO ROSONE Dal 11 al 17 aprile 2023 si terrà

  • 11. Training School 2018 - ATeN Center (35%)

    17-gen-2018 12.48.51

    Training School 2018 - ATeN Center articolo, notizia, unipa MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish Palermo, 6 - 9 February 2018 School's topics: The interdisciplinary school will provide theoretical and practical training on state of the art methods to explore interactions, Structure and Conformation Dynamics of biomolecules. Advanced Spectroscopy and Microscopy Techniques will be presented together with the use of the Zebrafish Model as a tool for live imaging and molecular biology

  • 12. Training School 2018 - ATeN Center (35%)

    17-gen-2018 12.48.51

    Training School 2018 - ATeN Center articolo, notizia, unipa MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish Palermo, 6 - 9 February 2018 School's topics: The interdisciplinary school will provide theoretical and practical training on state of the art methods to explore interactions, Structure and Conformation Dynamics of biomolecules. Advanced Spectroscopy and Microscopy Techniques will be presented together with the use of the Zebrafish Model as a tool for live imaging and molecular biology

  • 13. commendatore (17%)

    16-apr-2020 8.56.10

    ) Docente presso Scuole Estive: Training School on qualitative theory of dynamical systems, tools and ... ), Urbino, Italia, 17-19 Settembre 2015. Training School on Spatial Econometrics, Vienna, Austria, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, 9-12 Febbraio 2015. Training School: Complex

  • 14. giancola_cv (14%)

    22-apr-2020 14.19.47

    della “COST Action MP0802 Training School” dal titolo "Fundamentals of Guanosine Self- Assembly and ... 2010. 3. “Kinetics and Thermodynamics of G-Quadruplexes. Part II” COST Action MP0802 Training School dal titolo "Fundamentals of Guanosine Self- Assembly and Quadruplex Formation" Ischia

  • 15. CV_GiuseppeCavallaro (4) (14%)

    19-gen-2018 12.45.45

    from “ECOST Action D43” to attend the “Training School: Fluids and Solid Interfaces”, Sofia (Bulgaria ... Researches. Palermo (Italy). April 12, 2011 – April 15, 2011. “Training School: Fluids and Solid

  • 16. CV_GiuseppeCavallaro (4) (14%)

    19-gen-2018 12.38.56

    from “ECOST Action D43” to attend the “Training School: Fluids and Solid Interfaces”, Sofia (Bulgaria ... Researches. Palermo (Italy). April 12, 2011 – April 15, 2011. “Training School: Fluids and Solid

  • 17. cv prof. giancola (14%)

    14-apr-2022 16.51.45

    . 3. “Kinetics and Thermodynamics of G-Quadruplexes. Part II” COST Action MP0802 Training School dal ... Action MP0802 Training School” dal titolo "Fundamentals of Guanosine Self- Assembly and

  • 18. cv_leone (12%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.55