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  • 1. i-TAG - International Tourism Analytics Group: UniPa coordina il kick-off meeting del progetto sulla cultura statistica nel settore del turismo e nell’industria dell’ospitalità (100%)

    26-feb-2024 12.30.57

    i-TAG - International Tourism Analytics Group: UniPa coordina il kick-off meeting del progetto sulla cultura statistica nel settore del turismo e nell’industria dell’ospitalità articolo, notizia, unipa, statistica del turismo, tourism analytics, turismo, ospitalità, i-TAG, Erasmus plus, SEAS, tourism, hospitality, tourism statistics Si è svolto al Dipartimento SEAS - Scienze Economiche Aziendali ... /amministrazione/rettorato/stf04/.content/immagini/miniatura_logo_i-tag.jpg /sites/portale/_categories

  • 2. 130 bando tip b area cun 13_en (50%)

    19-mar-2024 9.40.22

    of needs to good practices to increase the quality and skills in tourism statistics, to be paid ... network that can enhance the quality and knowledge and the use of tourism statistics for purposes ... /amministrazione/direzionegenerale/serviziospecialericercadiateneo/u.o.assegnidirice rca ... - pec: ... on tourism. From need analysis to best practice to increase the quality and the skills on tourism

  • 3. 130 bando tip b area cun 13 (41%)

    19-mar-2024 9.40.22

    of tourism statistics for purposes related to destination management, destination marketing, and ... ... ; - pec: ... on tourism. From need analysis to best practice to increase the quality and the skills on tourism statistics -Descrizione: L’obiettivo dell’assegno sarebbe quello di sviluppare un network

  • 4. Nuovo articolo (34%)

    5-feb-2024 12.41.53

    attivo e didattica innovativa delle discipline scientifiche (Fazio C.) Tourism Statistics for Destination

  • 5. cv scuderi (30%)

    24-apr-2020 8.00.45

    series ‘Studies in Tourism Statistics’, 2012 – present Editorial Board, Tourism Economics (former