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1. economic-freedom-of-the-world-2016-data-by-country (100%)
7-ott-2016 12.58.30) Albania 200 2. Legal System & Property Rights 5.25 5.21 4.64 4.77 4.77 5.29 5.8 ... 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 Albania 205 E. Integrity of the legal system 6.96 3.33 3.33 3.33 ... ) Algeria 200 2. Legal System & Property Rights 3.76 3.33 3.77 3.52 3.5 3.68 2.39 2.39 ... Algeria 205 E. Integrity of the legal system 6.96 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 4.03 5 5 5 ... System & Property Rights 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.34 3.69 3.74 3.65 3.37
2. Italian Higher Education System (78%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.46Italian Higher Education System unipa, portale, universita, Italian Higher Education System Mainstream Education 1st Cycle Laurea: (180 credits)three year course; Italian Laurea is comparable with international Bachelor Degree. (accessible with Italian school-leaving qualification, after completion of 13 years of global schooling, or foreign comparable qualifications; in this case, 12 years ... education studies, open to the holders; studies take min. 1 year. Italian grading system Degree
3. Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade (67%)
12-feb-2024 7.29.18Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade articolo, notizia, unipa, CdS in Infermieristica, Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA, Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade, UNIPA Grading System, ECTS Grade Delibera Senato Accademico del 19/2/2024 N ... of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade" per gli studenti ERASMUS del CdS
4. Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade (67%)
12-feb-2024 7.29.18Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade articolo, notizia, unipa, CdS in Infermieristica, Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA, Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade, UNIPA Grading System, ECTS Grade Delibera Senato Accademico del 19/2/2024 N ... of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade" per gli studenti ERASMUS del CdS
5. Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade (67%)
12-feb-2024 7.29.18Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade articolo, notizia, unipa, CdS in Infermieristica, Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA, Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade, UNIPA Grading System, ECTS Grade Delibera Senato Accademico del 19/2/2024 N ... of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade" per gli studenti ERASMUS del CdS
6. Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade (67%)
12-feb-2024 7.29.18Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA - Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade articolo, notizia, unipa, CdS in Infermieristica, Tabella di equivalenza tra la scala di votazione ECTS e quella UNIPA, Table of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade, UNIPA Grading System, ECTS Grade Delibera Senato Accademico del 19/2/2024 N ... of equivalent between UNIPA Grading System and ECTS Grade" per gli studenti ERASMUS del CdS
7. Ad UniPa i primi laureati magistrali di cittadinanza indiana in Tourism System and Hospitality Management (63%)
18-giu-2021 16.32.22Ad UniPa i primi laureati magistrali di cittadinanza indiana in Tourism System and Hospitality Management articolo, notizia, unipa, Tourism System and Hospitality Management, dSEAS, Florida International University Si è svolta al Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche (dSEAS) dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo la cerimonia di laurea dei primi studenti di cittadinanza ... -laureati-magistrali-di-cittadinanza-indiana-in-Tourism-System-and-Hospitality-Management.png /sites
8. Programma “Pathway from farm to fork: a healthy and sustainable food system” presso l’Università di Valencia - progetto Forthem - Riconoscimento CFU (63%)
14-set-2023 7.10.49Programma “Pathway from farm to fork: a healthy and sustainable food system” presso l’Università di Valencia - progetto Forthem - Riconoscimento CFU articolo, notizia, unipa, Pathway from farm to fork: a healthy and sustainable food system, Valencia, Spagna, progetto Forthem, CFU, La Commissione Didattica del Corso di Laurea presieduta dal Coordinatore affiancato dalle docenti Anna Brancato ... sustainable food system” nell’ambito delle attività del progetto Forthem il valore di 1 CFU a valere
9. Tiaft 2024 (57%)
2-set-2024 7.31.54. 9.1A.29 AB SCIEX Switzerland GmbH 9.1A.16 Securetec Detektions-System AG 9.1A.30 Barista «cofftales ... – 10:43 [NPS O-1] Update from the EU Early Warning System on new psychoactive substances Joanna
8-mar-2013 17.33.52Institutions which operate in a system but belong pag. 32 to another: trans ... as other qualifications from the education system from which they originate." In fact ... qualification is clearly recognised within a system because it presents typical characteristics ... system in which it was awarded - we can reassume the elements of a qualification that credential ... education system. Each qualification in a determined system has its own name which distinguishes
11. cv prof. nicola (48%)
1-giu-2022 8.58.56in an autotrophic culture system. Advisors: Daniel Cantliffe and Peter Stoffella. Horticultural Sciences ... Growing System® and Floating Growing System to grow leafy vegetables and herbs. 19th International
12. Textual Genetics and chaotic system. A new approach to the writing process (45%)
15-mar-2017 12.26.04DANIELA TONONI SIR Textual genetics and chaotic system. For a new approach to the writing process The possibility of an analogy between text and chaotic system had been advanced by Noëlle Batt according to whom each work actually satisfies the principles of the chaotic system. The studies on the relationship between text and chaotic system which have been carried out so far will then ... to show the analogy between chaotic system and textual genetics: 1. The fact that we are dealing
13. System Development with STMicroelectronics (44%)
6-mar-2024 9.58.19System Development with STMicroelectronics electronics engineering, notizia, unipa STMicroelectronics proposes an online course entitled “System Development with STMicroelectronics - How to design an electronic system based on a microcontroller” offered to university students as “Stage and others ... STMicroelectronics proposes an online course entitled “System Development with STMicroelectronics - How to design an electronic system based on a microcontroller” offered to university students as “Stage and
14. TRANSPORT_WP2013_(DRAFT_16-03-12) (43%)
8-mar-2013 17.18.42. Aerostructures 25 AAT.2013.1-3. Low pressure system for Ultra High By-Pass Ratio Engine 26 AAT ... transport system 62 SST.2013.6-3. Conference: support for the organisation of Transport Research ... transport system serves key roles in the transportation of people and goods in a local, regional ... the innovation dimension of the activities). The Transport theme takes a holistic ‘transport system ... – The decarbonisation of the transport system and an efficient use of natural resources , i.e. eco
15. cv_barnabè (43%)
14-apr-2021 10.47.53System Dynamics) in contesti economico-aziendali. Periodi di ricerca all’estero - Periodo di ricerca, nell’ambito del programma di M. Phil. in System Dynamics presso il Department of Information ... . - Periodi di ricerca presso il System Dynamics Group, Department of Geography, University of Bergen ... ., Exploring the potentials of behavioral system dynamics: insights from the field, Journal of Modelling ... ., Barnabè F., Kunc M., Integrating qualitative system dynamics with accounting practices: The case
16. Master (43%)
24-ott-2013 9.53.15Master dems, master, system I NOSTRI MASTER Master di I livello in “Modelli di System Dynamics per il controllo di Gestione nei processi di risanamento e sviluppo” Responsabile scientifico Prof. Carmine Bianchi; Master di primo livello in " Studi Europei e Comparatistici" Responsabile Scientifico prof. A. Miranda; Master di I livello in “Esperto in politiche per la legalità e lo sviluppo nell’Area del Mediterraneo” Responsabile Scientifico Prof. Salvatore Costantino; Master
17. 02_JuanAntonioBaeza (42%)
14-mag-2015 15.55.53Biological nutrient removal: mathematical modelling as a good strategy for control system ... as a good strategy for control system design (J.A. Baeza) outline Content WWTP modelling Introduce ... system design (J.A. Baeza) 1 WWTP modelling • Hydraulic model • Deduced from mass balances ... : mathematical modelling as a good strategy for control system design (J.A. Baeza) WWTP modelling IWA ... Biological nutrient removal: mathematical modelling as a good strategy for control system design (J.A
18. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (42%)
8-mag-2024 13.02.58egalitarian power re- tions, the legal-political system, socio-eco- lations. The importance of cultural ... realisation of citizens’ social rights is the ob- protection system. Citizenship is thus an open ject
19. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (41%)
10-gen-2024 9.04.34system managed by the European Commission and used by itself and other EU institutions, bodies, offices
20. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (41%)
1-feb-2024 15.28.33system managed by the European Commission and used by itself and other EU institutions, bodies, offices